Get Schedule Policy Properties
Customer Managed
This operation returns the properties associated with a schedule policy.
Path Parameters
- taskId string required
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Schedule Policy Properties
taskInfo object
"taskInfo": {
"associations": [
"srmReportSet": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 0,
"clientName": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientId": 0,
"srmTemplateName": "string",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"workflowId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"trackingPolicyId": 0,
"flags": {
"exclude": true
"backupsetName": "string",
"instanceName": "string",
"appName": "string"
"task": {
"GUID": "string",
"description": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"runUserId": 0,
"taskType": 0,
"ownerName": "string",
"policyType": 0,
"associatedObjects": 0,
"taskName": "string",
"alertId": 0,
"taskId": 0,
"securityAssociations": {
"ownerAssociations": {}
"taskFlags": {
"isEdgeDrive": true,
"isEZOperation": true,
"forDDB": true,
"uninstalled": true,
"isSystem": true,
"disabled": true
"originalCC": {
"commCellId": 0
"taskSecurity": {
"associatedUserGroups": [
"userGroupId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"userGroupName": "string"
"ownerCapabilities": {}
"task": {
"taskName": "string",
"taskId": 0
"appGroup": {
"appGroups": [
"appGroupId": 0
"subTasks": [
"subTask": {
"subTaskOrder": 0,
"subTaskName": "string",
"subTaskType": 0,
"flags": 0,
"operationType": 0,
"subTaskId": 0,
"subTask": {
"subtaskId": 0,
"subtaskName": "string"
"pattern": {
"active_end_occurence": 0,
"freq_subday_interval": 0,
"freq_type": 0,
"patternId": 0,
"flags": 0,
"description": "string",
"active_end_time": 0,
"active_end_date": 0,
"skipOccurence": 0,
"skipDayNumber": 0,
"active_start_time": 0,
"freq_restart_interval": 0,
"active_start_date": 0,
"freq_interval": 0,
"freq_relative_interval": 0,
"name": "string",
"freq_recurrence_factor": 0,
"daysToRun": {
"week": 0,
"Monday": true,
"Thursday": true,
"day": 0
"calendar": {
"calendarName": "string",
"calendarId": 0
"timeZone": {
"TimeZoneID": 0
"options": {
"backupOpts": {
"truncateLogsOnSource": true,
"sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp": true,
"notSynthesizeFullFromPrevBackup": true,
"backupLevel": 0,
"incLevel": 0,
"adHocBackup": true,
"runIncrementalBackup": true,
"runSILOBackup": true,
"doNotTruncateLog": true,
"vsaBackupOptions": {
"backupFailedVMsOnly": true
"cdrOptions": {
"incremental": true,
"dataVerificationOnly": true,
"full": true
"dataOpt": {
"useCatalogServer": true,
"followMountPoints": true,
"enforceTransactionLogUsage": true,
"skipConsistencyCheck": true,
"createNewIndex": true,
"autoCopy": true
"mediaOpt": {}
"adminOpts": {
"contentIndexingOption": {
"subClientBasedAnalytics": true
"commonOpts": {
"perfJobOpts": {}
"taskInfo": {
"associations": [
"srmReportSet": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 0,
"clientName": "firewalltestma",
"displayName": "firewalltestma",
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientId": 9,
"srmTemplateName": "",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"workflowId": 0,
"_type_": 3,
"trackingPolicyId": 0,
"flags": {
"exclude": false
"srmReportSet": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 33,
"clientName": "firewalltestcs",
"displayName": "firewalltestcs",
"backupsetId": 3,
"instanceId": 1,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientId": 2,
"srmTemplateName": "",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"backupsetName": "defaultBackupSet",
"workflowId": 0,
"instanceName": "DefaultInstanceName",
"_type_": 6,
"trackingPolicyId": 0,
"appName": "File System",
"flags": {
"exclude": false
"srmReportSet": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
"subclientId": -32000,
"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 33,
"clientName": "firewalltestcs",
"displayName": "firewalltestcs",
"backupsetId": 3,
"instanceId": 1,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientId": 2,
"srmTemplateName": "",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"backupsetName": "defaultBackupSet",
"workflowId": 0,
"instanceName": "DefaultInstanceName",
"_type_": 7,
"trackingPolicyId": 0,
"appName": "File System",
"flags": {
"exclude": true
"task": {
"GUID": "f231bfdb-9b68-464a-9a52-f6701ca216c2",
"description": "",
"ownerId": 1,
"runUserId": 1,
"taskType": 4,
"ownerName": "Administrator",
"policyType": 0,
"associatedObjects": 8,
"taskName": "TestPolicy",
"alertId": 0,
"taskId": 151,
"securityAssociations": {
"ownerAssociations": {}
"taskFlags": {
"isEdgeDrive": false,
"isEZOperation": false,
"forDDB": false,
"uninstalled": false,
"isSystem": false,
"disabled": false
"originalCC": {
"commCellId": 2
"taskSecurity": {
"associatedUserGroups": [
"userGroupId": 1,
"_type_": 15,
"userGroupName": "master"
"userGroupId": 3,
"_type_": 15,
"userGroupName": "View All"
"ownerCapabilities": {}
"task": {
"taskName": "TestPolicy",
"taskId": 151
"appGroup": {
"appGroups": [
"appGroupId": 101
"appGroupId": 1
"appGroupId": 5
"subTasks": [
"subTask": {
"subTaskOrder": 0,
"subTaskName": "Test Schedule",
"subTaskType": 2,
"flags": 0,
"operationType": 2,
"subTaskId": 152,
"subTask": {
"subtaskId": 152,
"subtaskName": "Test Schedule"
"pattern": {
"active_end_occurence": 0,
"freq_subday_interval": 0,
"freq_type": 8,
"patternId": 20,
"flags": 0,
"description": "Every week on Monday,Thursday at 12:00 AM ",
"active_end_time": 0,
"active_end_date": 0,
"skipOccurence": 0,
"skipDayNumber": 0,
"active_start_time": 0,
"freq_restart_interval": 0,
"active_start_date": 1496880000,
"freq_interval": 18,
"freq_relative_interval": 0,
"name": "",
"freq_recurrence_factor": 1,
"daysToRun": {
"week": 0,
"Monday": true,
"Thursday": true,
"day": 0
"calendar": {
"calendarName": "Standard",
"calendarId": 1
"timeZone": {
"TimeZoneID": 64
"options": {
"backupOpts": {
"truncateLogsOnSource": false,
"sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp": false,
"notSynthesizeFullFromPrevBackup": false,
"backupLevel": 2,
"incLevel": 1,
"adHocBackup": false,
"runIncrementalBackup": true,
"runSILOBackup": false,
"doNotTruncateLog": false,
"vsaBackupOptions": {
"backupFailedVMsOnly": false
"cdrOptions": {
"incremental": true,
"dataVerificationOnly": false,
"full": false
"dataOpt": {
"useCatalogServer": true,
"followMountPoints": true,
"enforceTransactionLogUsage": false,
"skipConsistencyCheck": false,
"createNewIndex": false,
"autoCopy": false
"mediaOpt": {}
"adminOpts": {
"contentIndexingOption": {
"subClientBasedAnalytics": false
"commonOpts": {
"perfJobOpts": {}
GET /schedulepolicy/:taskid
type: apiKeyname: Authtokenin: header
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/SchedulePolicy/:taskId' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/SchedulePolicy/:taskId' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/SchedulePolicy/:taskId' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/SchedulePolicy/:taskId' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/SchedulePolicy/:taskId' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/SchedulePolicy/:taskId' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/SchedulePolicy/:taskId' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'