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List users

Returns a list of Clumio users.

Query Parameters
  • limit int64

    Limits the size of the response on each page to the specified number of items.

  • start string

    Sets the page number used to browse the collection. Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., ?start=1).

  • filter string

    Narrows down the results to only the items that satisfy the filter criteria. The following table lists the supported filter fields for this resource and the filter conditions that can be applied on those fields:

    FieldFilter ConditionDescription
    name$containsA case insensitive substring of the name of the user.
    role_id$eqThe Clumio-assigned ID of the role assigned to a user.
    organizational_unit_id$eqThe Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit to which a user is assigned.
    For more information about filtering, refer to the Filtering section of this guide.


  • _embedded object

    Embedded responses related to the resource.

  • items object[]

    A collection of requested items.

  • _embedded object

    Embedded responses related to the resource.

  • read-role object[]

    Embeds the associated Role details in the response

  • description string

    A description of the role.

  • id string

    The Clumio-assigned ID of the role.

  • name string

    Unique name assigned to the role.

  • permissions object[]

    Permissions contained in the role.

  • description string

    Description of the permission.

  • id string

    The Clumio-assigned ID of the permission.

  • name string

    Name of the permission. The following table lists the supported permissions for a role:

    Permission NameFull/Partial Applicable
    Policy ManagementYes
    Data Source ManagementYes
    Perform Backup (Scheduled or On-demand)Yes
    Regular RestoreNo
    Redirected Granular Restore (things like GRR & content download)Yes
    Dashboards & ReportsYes
    Some Admin Functions (User mgmt, SSO/MFA, IP Allow, Password expiry, OU, KMS)No
    Other Admin Functions (API Tokens, Tasks, Alerts and Audit Logs)Yes
  • user_count int64

    Number of users to whom the role has been assigned.

  • _etag string

    ETag value

  • _links object

    URLs to pages related to the resource.

  • _self object

    The HATEOAS link to this resource.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • delete-user object

    A resource-specific HATEOAS link.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • update-user object

    A resource-specific HATEOAS link.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • access_control_configuration object[]

    The list of organizational unit IDs along with role assigned to the user.

  • organizational_unit_ids string[]

    The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units assigned to the user. Use the GET /organizational-units endpoint to fetch valid values.

  • role_id uuid4

    The Clumio-assigned ID of the role assigned to the user. Use the GET /roles endpoint to fetch valid values.

  • email string

    The email address of the Clumio user.

  • full_name string

    The first and last name of the Clumio user. The name appears in the User Management screen and is used to identify the user.

  • id string

    The Clumio-assigned ID of the Clumio user.

  • inviter string

    The ID number of the user who sent the email invitation.

  • is_confirmed boolean

    Determines whether the user has activated their Clumio account. If true, the user has activated the account.

  • is_enabled boolean

    Determines whether the user is enabled (in "Activated" or "Invited" status) in Clumio. If true, the user is in "Activated" or "Invited" status in Clumio. Users in "Activated" status can log in to Clumio. Users in "Invited" status have been invited to log in to Clumio via an email invitation and the invitation is pending acceptance from the user. If false, the user has been manually suspended and cannot log in to Clumio until another Clumio user reactivates the account.

  • last_activity_timestamp string

    The timestamp of when the user was last active in the Clumio system. Represented in RFC-3339 format.

  • organizational_unit_count int64

    The number of organizational units accessible to the user.

  • _links object

    URLs to pages related to the resource.

  • _first object

    The HATEOAS link to the first page of results.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • _last object

    The HATEOAS link to the last page of results.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • _next object

    The HATEOAS link to the next page of results.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • _prev object

    The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • _self object

    The HATEOAS link to this resource.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • create-user object

    A resource-specific HATEOAS link.

  • href string

    The URI for the referenced operation.

  • templated boolean

    Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to true, the "href" link is a URI template.

  • type string

    The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation.

  • current_count int64

    The number of items listed on the current page.

  • filter_applied string

    The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters.

  • limit int64

    The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response.

  • start string

    The page number used to get this response. Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., "start": "1").

  • total_count int64

    The total number of items, summed across all pages.

  • total_pages_count int64

    The total number of pages of results.

GET /users    



Click Edit to configure Base URL
Bearer Token
limit — query
start — query
filter — query
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/api.clumio.users=v2+json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'