Install DB2 agent on database server
This operation is used to install DB2 agent on database server
- application/json
Request Body
taskInfo object
associations object[]
commCellId integertask object required
taskType integer required1 for installing DB2 server
subTasks object[] required
subTask object required
subTaskType integer required1 for installing DB2 server
operationType integer required4026 for installing DB2 server
options object
backupOpts object
backupLevel integercommonOpts object
notifyUserOnJobCompletion booleanTrue if you want to get notified on successful job completion
jobMetadata object[]adminOpts object
clientInstallOption object required
installerOption object
User object
userId integeruserName stringCommServeHostName string requiredCommserve hostname
installFlags object
allowMultipleInstances booleaninstall32Base booleandisableOSFirewall booleanaddToFirewallExclusion booleanforceReboot booleankillBrowserProcesses booleanignoreJobsRunning booleanstopOracleServices booleanskipClientsOfCS booleanrestoreOnlyAgents booleanoverrideClientInfo booleanfirewallInstall object
enableFirewallConfig booleanfirewallConnectionType integerportNumber integerunixGroup stringDB2 unix group
unixGroupAccess integerunixOtherAccess integeroverrideUnixGroupAndPermissions booleanclientComposition object[]
components object
componentInfo object[]
ComponentName string required"DB2" as we are installing DB2 IDA
ComponentId integer required1207 for DB2 Unix and 351 for DB2 Windows
osType string requiredwindows or unix
packageName stringconsumeLic booleanpackageId integerdb2 object
db2ArchivePath string requiredpath where db logs should be stored post archival
db2RetrievePath string requiredPath from where log retrieval should happen
db2AuditErrorPath string requiredpath where meta data is stored
clientInfo object
client object
evmgrcPort integercvdPort integerclientDetails object[]
clientEntity object required
clientId integerclientName string requiredClientname
hostName string requiredHostname of the client
displayName string requiredName of client that should be displayed in commcell
installOSType integerdiscoveryType integercredential object
credentialId integer requiredID of the saved credentials in commserver
credentialName string requiredName of the saved credentials
clientAuthForJob object
password stringsavedCredential object
credentialId integer requiredID of the saved credentials from commserve
credentialName string requiredName of the saved credentials from commserver
useSSHKey booleanTrue if you want to install IDA using SSH authentication
useSSHKeyPassphrase booleanTrue if you have a passphrase for your ssh file
sshKeyFileContent stringContents of ssh .ppk file
sshKeyFilePassphrase object
password stringIf Passpharse is present for ssh file , pass the passphrase here in base64 encoded format
userName stringupdateOption object
rebootClient booleanTrue if you want to reboot client post IDA installation
plan object
planId integerplan id of the plan that should be associated to client
planName stringnam of plan that should be associated to client
- 200
- 400
- 401
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
- taskId integer
- jobIds string[]
"taskId": 0,
"jobIds": [
"taskId": 72708,
"jobIds": [
Bad Request