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Update DB2 SubClient Properties

This operation is used to update properties of a DB2 Subclient.

Path Parameters
  • SubClientID integer required

    ID of the DB2 subclient

Request Body
  • subClientProperties object
  • commonProperties object
  • snapCopyInfo object
  • isSnapBackupEnabled boolean

    True if snap backup needs to be enabled

  • snapToTapeSelectedEngine object

    pass this object to select snap vendor

  • snapShotEngineId integer

    ID of the snapshot vendor

  • snapShotEngineName string

    Name of the snapshot vendor

  • snapToTapeProxyToUse object

    Pass this object if you want to set a proxy for snap backup

  • clientId integer

    Id of client which should act as proxy

  • clientName string

    Name of client that should act as proxy

  • useSeparateProxyForSnapToTape boolean

    True if a proxy should be used for snap backup copy

  • backupCopyInterface string
  • separateProxyForSnapToTape object

    pass this object of seperate proxy to be used for backup copy

  • clientId integer

    ID of the client

  • clientName string

    Name of the client

  • useDB2ACSInterface boolean

    True if DB2 ACS needs to be enabled

  • subClientEntity object
  • clientName string
  • instanceName string
  • displayName string
  • backupsetId integer
  • _type_ integer
  • commCellName string
  • instanceId integer
  • csGUID string
  • subclientGUID string
  • subclientId integer
  • clientId integer
  • appName string
  • backupsetName string
  • applicationId integer
  • subclientName string
  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • prepostProcess object
  • runPostScan integer
  • runPostBackup integer
  • runAs integer

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    1 if the same user using which subclient is configured , 2 if user creds are being passed to run pre and post backup commands

  • prepostUserName object

    Pass this object if pre post scripts need to be run using a specific user

  • userName string

    Username of user using which pre and post process scripts should run

  • password string

    Password in base64 encoded format

  • preBackupCommand string

    Pre backup command to run before any backup

  • postBackupCommand string

    post backup command to run after any backup

  • preScanCommand string
  • postScanCommand string
  • prepostCredentialinfo object
  • contentOperationType integer
  • db2SubclientProp object required

    Update subclient properties using the parameters below

  • db2BackupData boolean

    True if subclient should backup data

  • db2BackupMode integer

    1 for offline database , 0 for online database

  • db2BackupLogFiles boolean

    True if subclient should backup archived logs

  • db2DeleteLogFilesAfter boolean

    True to delete log files post log backup from archived location

  • skipLogsInBackupImage integer

    Possible values: [0, 1]

    1 if you want to include logs in backup image , 0 if you want to exclude logs from backup image

  • db2UseDedupeDevice boolean
  • numberOfBackupStreams integer

    No.of streams the subclient should use for data backup

  • db2BackupType integer

    1 if subclient is using online subset

  • planEntity object

    pass this parameters if you want to update plan of a subclient

  • planName string

    Name of the plan

  • planId integer

    ID of the plan

  • content object[]

    pass if you want to edit content of subclient (tablespaces)

  • db2Content object
  • db2TableSpace string

    tablespace name

  • association object
  • entity object[]

    pass this object to update general properties of subclient

  • clientName string

    Name of the client

  • instanceName string

    Name of the DB2 instance

  • displayName string

    Display name of client in commcell

  • backupsetId integer

    ID of the backupset

  • _type_ integer
  • commCellName string
  • instanceId integer

    ID of the instance

  • subclientId integer

    ID of the subclient

  • clientId integer

    ID of the client

  • appName string


  • backupsetName string

    Name of the backupset (DB2 database)

  • applicationId integer

    Possible values: [37, 62]

    application ID for DB2 Unix is 62 and application ID for DB2 windows is 37

  • subclientName string

    Name of the subclient

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer


  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object[]
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string