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Create Hadoop Instance

This API is used to create a hadoop instance/pseudoclient

Request Body
  • createPseudoClientRequest object
  • clientInfo object
  • clientType integer
  • plan object

    Specify plan id or name

  • planId integer

    Plan Id

  • optionText object
  • key
  • ref
  • props object
  • isMultiple boolean
  • planEntity object
  • numCopies integer
  • type string
  • subtype string
  • numAssocEntities integer
  • rpoInMinutes integer
  • parent object
  • storage object
  • copy object[]
  • copyType string
  • active string
  • isDefault string
  • isSnapCopy string
  • isMirrorCopy string
  • wormStorageFlag integer
  • poolRetentionPeriodDays integer
  • copyPrecedence integer
  • storagePoolType string
  • storageType integer
  • dedupeFlags object
  • retentionRules object
  • retainBackupDataForCycles integer
  • jobs integer
  • retainArchiverDataForDays integer
  • retainBackupDataForDays integer
  • retentionFlags object
  • enableDataAging string
  • jobBasedRetention string
  • StoragePolicyCopy object
  • copyId integer
  • copyName string
  • extendedFlags object
  • overRideGACPRetention string
  • useGlobalStoragePolicy string
  • drivePool object
  • drivePoolName string
  • drivePoolId integer
  • copyFlags object
  • library object
  • libraryName string
  • libraryId integer
  • startTime object
  • time integer
  • useGlobalPolicy object
  • storagePolicyName string
  • storagePolicyId integer
  • plan object
  • planSummary string
  • planName string
  • planId integer
  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • RPOHours string
  • NumberOfCopies string
  • PrimaryStorageRetention string
  • PrimaryStorageType string
  • AssociatedEntitiesCount string
  • _owner
  • planName string required

    Plan name

  • type string
  • selected boolean
  • subclientInfo object
  • useLocalContent boolean

    Flag to use local backup content than plan

  • contentOperationType integer
  • content object[]
  • path string required

    Hadoop content. Default root

  • fsSubClientProp object
  • useGlobalFilters string

    Default value: USE_CELL_LEVEL_POLICY

  • distributedClusterInstanceProperties object
  • clusterType integer

    Default value: 2

  • opType integer

    Default value: 2

  • instance object
  • instanceId integer
  • instanceName string required

    Name of the Hadoop pseudoclient

  • clientName string required
  • applicationId integer required

    Default value: 64

    Application Id

  • clusterConfig object
  • hadoopConfig object
  • coordinatorNode object required

    Master or Coordinator node

  • hostName string required

    Host name

  • clientId integer required
  • clientName string required
  • displayName string required
  • selected boolean required
  • hadoopSites object
  • hadoopSites object[]
  • hdfsHost string required
  • hdfsUser string required

    User who has access to HDFS

  • dataAccessNodes object
  • dataAccessNodes object[] required

    Access Nodes participating for backup

  • hostName string required

    Host name

  • clientId integer required
  • clientName string required

    Data Access Client Name

  • displayName string
  • selected boolean
  • entity object
  • clientName string


  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object
  • errorCode integer
  • entity object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • instanceId integer
  • _type_ integer