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List all SQL instances

This operation returns all configured MSSQL instances



  • SqlInstance object[]
  • notReadyReason string

    Not ready reason for instance, if applicable

  • insName string

    Instance name

  • sla integer

    SLA for the instance

  • planName string

    Plan associated with instance

  • unprot integer

    Number of unprotected databases in the instance

  • version string

    SQL instance version

  • attempt integer
  • insId integer

    Instance ID

  • noDBs integer

    Total number of databases configured in instance

  • cName string

    Client name

  • serverType string

    Server type of the instance

  • planId integer

    ID of the plan associated with instance

  • protect integer

    Number of databases protected in the instance

  • noSysDBs integer

    Total number of system DBs protected in the instance

  • cId integer

    Client ID

  • status integer

    Instance status 1 - Ready 0 - Not Ready

  • response object
  • total integer

    Total number of instances configured

  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode integer
  • end integer