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MSSQL Restores

This API provides restore functionality for MSSQL Instances.

Request Body

  • taskInfo object
  • associations object[]
  • clientId integer

    Source Client ID

  • appName string required
  • instanceId integer

    Source Instance ID

  • task object
  • taskType

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    Default value: 1

    1 - Immediate Restore 2 - Scheduled Restore

  • initiatedFrom integer

    Default value: 2

    Internal Field

  • subTasks object[]
  • subTask object

    Internal Fields

  • subTaskType integer

    Default value: 3

  • operationType integer

    Default value: 1001

  • subTaskName string

    Name of the schedule task

  • options object
  • restoreOptions object
  • browseOption object
  • backupset object
  • clientId integer

    Source Client ID

  • timeRange object

    Browse time of backups

  • fromTime integer

    Unix timestamp to browse backups from a specific time

  • toTime integer

    Unix timestamp to browse backups up to a specific time.

  • sqlServerRstOption object required
  • pointOfTimeRst boolean

    Default value: false

    Flag for enabling PIT restore

  • pointInTime object

    To be required if pointOfTime flag is set to true

  • time integer

    Unix timestamp of the point in time restore value

  • sqlRecoverType object
  • sqlRecoverType


    Default value: STATE_RECOVER

    Recovery Type of destination DB

    • For 'Recovery' mode - STATE_RECOVER
    • For 'No-Recovery' mode - STATE_NORECOVER
    • For 'Stand By' mode - STATE_STANDBY

    Stand By restores will require the undo path to be passed in restoreOptions/fileOption.

  • sqlRestoreType object
  • sqlRestoreType


    Default value: DATABASE_RESTORE

    Restore Type of destination DB

    • For 'Restore' mode - DATABASE_RESTORE
    • For 'Step Restore' mode - STEP_RESTORE
    • For 'Recovery Only' mode - RECOVER_ONLY
  • latestBkpData boolean
  • dropConnectionsToDatabase boolean
  • overWrite boolean
  • database string[] required

    Source database name(s) to restore

  • restoreSource string[] required

    Restored DB name(s). For in-place it should be same as source DB name(s)

  • proxyClient object

    Required for cloud restore.

  • clientName string

    Client name of access node for cloud restores.

  • snapOopStageFolder string

    File path on access node to be used as staging location for cloud restore.

    Required for cloud restores.

  • destination object
  • destClient object
  • clientId integer required

    Destination Client ID. For In-place restore this will be the same as Source Client ID

  • destinationInstance object
  • instanceId integer required

    Destination instance ID

  • clientId integer required

    Destination client ID

  • appName string

    Default value: SQL Server

  • pattern object
  • description string
  • freq_type integer required

    Indicates how often the schedule is run.

    Valid values are:

    • 1, One time
    • 4, Daily
    • 8, Weekly
    • 16, Monthly
    • 32, Monthly relative
    • 64, Yearly
    • 128, Yearly relative
    • 1024, Automatic schedule
  • freq_interval integer required

    The meaning of this parameter changes based on the value of the freq_type parameter:

    • If freq_type equals 1 (one time) or 1024 (automatic schedule), freq_interval is not used and is set to 0.
    • If freq_type equals 4 (daily), freq_interval is the number of days the schedule should repeat. For example, the parameters to run a schedule daily every 17 days are freq_type="4" and freq_interval="17".
    • If freq_type equals 8 (weekly), freq_interval is the sum of the bit form values assigned to the days of the week. The bit form values are:
      • Sunday = 1
      • Monday = 2
      • Tuesday = 4
      • Wednesday = 8
      • Thursday = 16
      • Friday = 32
      • Saturday = 64

    For example, the parameters to run a schedule weekly on Monday and Saturday are freq_type="8" and freq_interval="66" and the parameters to run a schedule weekly on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are freq_type="8" and freq_interval="31".

    • If freq_type equals 16 (monthly), freq_interval is the day of the month the schedule runs. For example, the parameters to run a schedule monthly on the thirteenth of every month are freq_type="16" and freq_interval="13".
    • If freq_type equals 32 (monthly relative), freq_interval is the day of the week the schedule runs. Valid values are:
      • 1, for Sunday
      • 2, for Monday
      • 3, for Tuesday
      • 4, for Wednesday
      • 5, for Thursday
      • 6, for Friday
      • 7, for Saturday
      • 8, for any day
      • 9, for a weekday
      • 10, for a weekend day
    • If freq_type equals 64 (yearly) or 128 (yearly relative), freq_interval is the day of the month the schedule runs.
  • active_start_date integer required

    The start date of the schedule specified in UNIX timestamp format. The timestamp is always the beginning of the day (00:00 hours) for the specified date.

  • active_start_time integer required

    The start time of the schedule specified in seconds.

  • freq_recurrence_factor integer required

    The meaning of this parameter changes based on the value of the freq_type parameter:

    • If freq_type equals Yearly or Yearly_Relative, freq_recurrence_factor is the month the schedule runs. For example, the parameters to run a yearly schedule every July are freq_type="Yearly" and freq_recurrence_factor="7".
    • If freq_type equals Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Monthly_Relative, freq_recurrence_factor is set to 1.
    • If freq_type equals One_Time or Automatic_Schedule, freq_recurrence_factor is set to 0.
  • freq_relative_interval integer required

    The meaning of this parameter changes based on the value of the freq_type parameter:

    • If freq_type equals Monthly_Relative or Yearly_Relative, freq_relative_interval is the ordinal numbers indicating when the schedule runs. Use with the freq_interval parameter. Valid values are:
      • 1, if the exception occurs on the first n
      • 2, if the exception occurs on the second n
      • 3, if the exception occurs on the third n
      • 4, if the exception occurs on the fourth n
      • 5, if the exception occurs on the last n
    • If freq_type equals any other value, freq_recurrence_factor is set to 0.
  • freq_subday_interval string

    The time interval to repeat the schedule.

  • active_end_date string

    The end date of the schedule specified in the UNIX timestamp format. The timestamp is always the beginning of the day (00:00 hours) for the specified date.

  • active_end_time string

    The end time of the schedule specified in seconds.

  • active_end_occurence string

    The number of times you want to repeat the schedule.

  • timeZone object required
  • TimeZoneId number required

    The ID of the time zone to associate with the schedule. Valid values are:

    • 1, if the time zone is '(GMT+04:30) Kabul'
    • 2, if the time zone is '(GMT-09:00) Alaska'
    • 3, if the time zone is '(GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'
    • 4, if the time zone is '(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat'
    • 5, if the time zone is '(GMT+03:00) Baghdad'
    • 6, if the time zone is '(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)'
    • 7, if the time zone is '(GMT+09:30) Darwin'
    • 8, if the time zone is '(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney'
    • 9, if the time zone is '(GMT+04:00) Baku'
    • 10, if the time zone is '(GMT-01:00) Azores'
    • 11, if the time zone is '(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan'
    • 12, if the time zone is '(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'
    • 13, if the time zone is '(GMT+04:00) Caucasus Standard Time'
    • 14, if the time zone is '(GMT+09:30) Adelaide'
    • 15, if the time zone is '(GMT-06:00) Central America'
    • 16, if the time zone is '(GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka'
    • 17, if the time zone is '(GMT-04:00) Manaus'
    • 18, if the time zone is '(GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague'
    • 19, if the time zone is '(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb'
    • 20, if the time zone is '(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia'
    • 21, if the time zone is '(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)'
    • 22, if the time zone is '(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey - New'
    • 23, if the time zone is '(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi'
    • 24, if the time zone is '(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West'
    • 25, if the time zone is '(GMT+03:00) Nairobi'
    • 26, if the time zone is '(GMT+10:00) Brisbane'
    • 27, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Minsk'
    • 28, if the time zone is '(GMT-03:00) Brasilia'
    • 29, if the time zone is '(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
    • 30, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Cairo'
    • 31, if the time zone is '(GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg'
    • 32, if the time zone is '(GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.'
    • 33, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius'
    • 34, if the time zone is '(GMT+03:00) Tbilisi'
    • 35, if the time zone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London'
    • 36, if the time zone is '(GMT-03:00) Greenland'
    • 37, if the time zone is '(GMT) Monrovia, Reykjavik'
    • 38, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Athens, Bucharest, Istanbul'
    • 39, if the time zone is '(GMT-10:00) Hawaii'
    • 40, if the time zone is '(GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi'
    • 41, if the time zone is '(GMT+03:30) Tehran'
    • 42, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem'
    • 43, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Amman'
    • 44, if the time zone is '(GMT+09:00) Seoul'
    • 45, if the time zone is '(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey - Old'
    • 46, if the time zone is '(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan - Old'
    • 47, if the time zone is '(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'
    • 48, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Beirut'
    • 49, if the time zone is '(GMT-03:00) Montevideo'
    • 50, if the time zone is '(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)'
    • 51, if the time zone is '(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan - New'
    • 52, if the time zone is '(GMT+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)'
    • 53, if the time zone is '(GMT+06:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk'
    • 54, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Windhoek'
    • 55, if the time zone is '(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu'
    • 56, if the time zone is '(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington'
    • 57, if the time zone is '(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland'
    • 58, if the time zone is '(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar'
    • 59, if the time zone is '(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk'
    • 60, if the time zone is '(GMT-04:00) Santiago'
    • 61, if the time zone is '(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)'
    • 62, if the time zone is '(GMT-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California'
    • 63, if the time zone is '(GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris'
    • 64, if the time zone is '(GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd'
    • 65, if the time zone is '(GMT-03:00) Georgetown'
    • 66, if the time zone is '(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco'
    • 67, if the time zone is '(GMT-04:00) La Paz'
    • 68, if the time zone is '(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa'
    • 69, if the time zone is '(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta'
    • 70, if the time zone is '(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore'
    • 71, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria'
    • 72, if the time zone is '(GMT+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura'
    • 73, if the time zone is '(GMT+08:00) Taipei'
    • 74, if the time zone is '(GMT+10:00) Hobart'
    • 75, if the time zone is '(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo'
    • 76, if the time zone is '(GMT+13:00) Nuku''alofa'
    • 77, if the time zone is '(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)'
    • 78, if the time zone is '(GMT-07:00) Arizona'
    • 79, if the time zone is '(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok'
    • 80, if the time zone is '(GMT+08:00) Perth'
    • 81, if the time zone is '(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa'
    • 82, if the time zone is '(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna'
    • 83, if the time zone is '(GMT+05:00) Tashkent'
    • 84, if the time zone is '(GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby'
    • 85, if the time zone is '(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk'
    • 86, if the time zone is '(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires'
    • 87, if the time zone is '(GMT+04:00) Yerevan'
    • 88, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem'
    • 89, if the time zone is '(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore'
    • 90, if the time zone is '(GMT) Casablanca'
    • 91, if the time zone is '(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi'
    • 92, if the time zone is '(GMT-04:30) Caracas'
    • 93, if the time zone is '(GMT+06:00) Dhaka'
    • 94, if the time zone is '(GMT+12:00) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Old'
    • 95, if the time zone is '(GMT+11:00) Magadan'
    • 96, if the time zone is '(GMT+04:00) Port Louis'
    • 97, if the time zone is '(GMT-04:00) Asuncion'
    • 98, if the time zone is '(GMT+02:00) Damascus'
    • 99, if the time zone is '(GMT+08:00) Ulaanbaatar'
    • 100, if the time zone is '(GMT) Coordinated Universal Time'
    • 101, if the time zone is '(GMT+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+12'
    • 102, if the time zone is '(GMT-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-02'
    • 103, if the time zone is '(GMT-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11'


  • taskId integer
  • jobIds string[]