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Modify MySQL Instance

This operation is used to modify MySQL instance property

Path Parameters
  • instanceId integer required

    InstanceId of the MySQL Instance

Request Body
  • instanceProperties object
  • instance object
  • instanceId integer required
  • instanceName string
  • applicationId integer required

    Default value: 104

    104 for MySQL

  • clientId integer required
  • clientName string
  • commCellId integer

    Default value: 2

  • planEntity object
  • planId integer required

    PlanId of the plan to be associated to MySQL Instance

  • mySqlInstance object
  • SAUser object
  • userName string required

    MySQL database username

  • unixUser object
  • userName string

    Operating system username

  • port string required

    Port number for Windows MySQL Instance, Socket File or Endpoint for Unix MySQL Instance

  • useADAuthentication boolean
  • BinaryDirectory string required

    MySQL Server binary directory

  • LogDataDirectory string required

    MySQL server log directory

  • ConfigFile string required

    MySQL server configuration file

  • sslEnabled boolean

    MySQL SSL Enable status

  • sslCa string
  • sslCert string
  • sslKey string
  • EnableNoLocking boolean

    No Locking status for MySQL Enterprise backup

  • xtraBackupSettings object

    Xtrabackup properties

  • xtraBackupBinPath string

    Xtrabackup binary path

  • enableXtraBackup boolean
  • mebSettings object

    MySQL Enterprise Backup settings

  • mebBinPath string

    MySQL Enterprise backup binary path

  • enableMEB boolean
  • proxySettings object

    MySQL Proxy backup settings

  • isUseSSL boolean
  • isProxyEnabled boolean
  • runBackupOnProxy boolean
  • proxyInstance object
  • displayName string

    Proxy MySQL Instance display name

  • clientId integer

    Proxy Client Id

  • instanceName string

    Proxy MySQL Instance name

  • applicationId integer

    Default value: 104

    104 for MySQL

  • clientName string

    Proxy Client Name

  • instanceId integer

    Proxy Instance id

  • selected boolean

    Run transaction log backups on source checkbox selection



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object[]
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string
  • entity object
  • subclientId integer
  • clientId integer
  • instanceName string
  • instanceId integer
  • _type_ integer