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Backup Networks between two entities

This operation returns data interface pairs/Backup Networks configured between two entities.

Use a combination of query parameters between source entity and destination entity where entity is a client or clientgroup.

Query Parameters
  • SourceClientGroupId string

    ID of the source client group

  • DestClientId string

    ID of the destination client

  • SourceClientId string

    ID of the source client

  • DestClientGroupId string

    ID of the destination client group



  • ArchPipeLineList object[]

    Backup Network List

  • destGroupId integer

    Destination Client Group ID. 0 if destination is a client

  • srcGroupId integer

    ID of the source client group. 0 if source is a client

  • isActive integer

    0 if the backup networks are not active else 1

  • destGroupEntity object

    Destination client group entity

  • _type_ integer

    Internal field

  • clientGroupName string

    Name of Destination ClientGroup

  • destClientEntity object

    Destination client entity

  • clientId integer

    ID of the destination client. 0 if destination is a client group

  • displayName string

    Name of the destination client

  • _type_ integer

    Internal Field

  • client2 object

    Destination entity details

  • name string

    Interface of the destination

  • id integer

    Destination Client ID. 0 if the destination is a client group

  • client1 object

    Source entity details

  • name string

    Interface of the source entity

  • id integer

    Source Client ID. 0 if the source is a client group

  • srcClientEntity object

    Source client entity

  • clientId integer

    ID of the source

  • displayName string

    Source Client DisplayName

  • _type_ integer

    Internal Field

  • srcGroupEntity object

    Source Client group entity

  • _type_ integer

    Internal Field

  • clientGroupName string

    Name of the Source Client group
