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Create AD/LDAP

Create LDAP/Active directory for user authentication

Request Body

LDAP body request


  • directoryType string required

    Possible values: [ACTIVE_DIRECTORY]

    Active directory type

  • NETBIOSName string required

    Domain name (short name) to create LDAP app

  • name string required

    Domain connect name

  • useSecureLDAP boolean

    Boolean to indicate if the app use secure LDAP

  • enableSSO boolean

    Boolean to indicate if the app use enable SSO

  • id int32

    Required when configuring an existing dummy domain as LDAP/AD

  • username string required

    Username to create LDAP/AD app

  • password base64 required

    Password to create LDAP app, it should be base64 encoded

  • accessViaClient boolean

    Denotes if the domain is accessed via a proxy

  • proxies object[]

    List of proxies used to connect to the domain. Required if accessViaClient is true.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • doNotValidateNetBIOSName boolean

    If true, the NetBIOS name will not be validated. Providing a custom name without validation may cause problems during Single Sign-On.



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32