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Get Companies

Get All Companies

Query Parameters
  • includeDeletedCompanies boolean

    If true, companies marked for deletion are included in the response



  • companies object[]
  • id int32

    Company Id

  • name string

    Company name

  • GUID string

    GUID of the company

  • alias string

    The company domain or NetBIOS name

  • isReseller boolean

    Enable reseller mode. A reseller is a user or user groups who can operate multiple tenant environments. The service provider can assign one or more resellers as the tenant operator for a company. The reseller can switch to any of their assigned tenant environment and operate on the company as a tenant user. Once enabled, the reseller mode cannot be disabled.

  • primaryContacts object[]
  • id int32
  • name string
  • associatedEntitiesCount int32

    Gives the number of entities associated with the company

  • status string


    Gives the company status

  • tags object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • value string
  • commcell object
  • name string

    Name of the commcell the entity belongs to.

  • displayName string

    Display name of the commcell the entity belongs to.

  • operators object[]

    List of operators configured for the company

  • fullName string

    Full name of the operator

  • userGroup object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • user object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • role object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • companyCount int32

    Total number of companies
