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Get Media Agent Details

Get details of a media agent based on id

Path Parameters
  • mediaAgentId int32 required

    Id of the Media Agent whose details have to be fetched

Query Parameters
  • showInheritedAssociation boolean

    Show inherited security association



  • general object
  • id int32

    Id of the media agent.

  • name string

    Name of the media agent.

  • displayName string

    Display name of the media agent.

  • status string

    Possible values: [ONLINE, OFFLINE, MAINTENANCE]

    Current status of the media agent.

  • isUnlicensedMA boolean

    Used to determine if the MA is licensed or not.

  • offlineReason string

    Provides a reason for the media agent being offline. Only given when the media agent is offline.

  • offlineReasonValue int32

    A flag for offline reason. Only given when the media agent is offline.

  • operatingSystem object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • type string
  • version string

    The service pack of the media agent.

  • releaseId int32

    Release version of the media agent.

  • description string

    Description of the media agent.

  • company object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • indexCache object
  • path string

    Path where the index cache is maintained.

  • logsCache object
  • enabled boolean

    This tag determines if the logs cache has been enabled or not.

  • path string

    If the logs cache is enabled, this tag gives the path to store the logs cache.

  • control object
  • enabled boolean

    Determines if the media agent is currently enabled or disabled.

  • optimizeForConcurrentLANBackups boolean

    Allows optimization for concurrent LAN backups. If set to true, default value for parallel data transfer operations will be 100. If set to false, default value of parallel data transfer operations will be set to 25.

  • maintenanceMode boolean

    Specifies whether the MediaAgent is available for data protection, data recovery and auxiliary copy operations.

  • ransomwareProtection boolean

    If set to true, ransomware protection against the media agent is enabled. If set to false, ransomware protection against media agent is disabled.

  • parallelDataTransferOperations int32

    Specifies the number of parallel data operations that can take place.

  • security object[]
  • user object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • userGroup object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • externalUserGroup object

    External User Group Entity

  • id int32

    User Group Id

  • name string

    External Group Name

  • providerId int32

    Provider id

  • providerName string

    Provider Name

  • isCreatorAssociation boolean
  • role object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • permissionList object[]
  • permissionId int32
  • permissionName string
  • categoryId int32
  • categoryName string
  • type string


    Returns the type of association.

  • exclude boolean

    Flag to specify if this is included permission or excluded permission.
