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Get Region Details

Get details of the region

Path Parameters
  • regionId string required


  • id int32

    Region ID

  • name string

    Region name

  • displayName string

    Display name for the region

  • regionType RegionType

    Possible values: [DEFAULT, AZURE, AWS, USER_CREATED, OCI, GCP]

    Type of region

  • locations object[]

    List of locations in the region

  • continent string

    Name of continent for the location

  • country string

    Name of country for the location

  • state string

    Name of state for the location

  • city string

    Name of city for the location

  • latitude double

    Latitude for the location

  • longitude double

    Longitude for the location

  • zone object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • associatedServers object

    Details of servers associated to a region

  • serversCount int32
  • servers object[]
  • server object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • latitude double
  • longitude double
  • associatedRegionBasedPlans object

    Details of plans associated to the region

  • plansCount int32
  • plans object[]
  • plan object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • associatedServers int32
  • type string

    Possible values: [Server, Laptop, FSIBMiVTL, ExchangeJournal, ExchangeUser, Office365, DataClassification, Archiver, CDM, ObjectStore, DLO, Database, Snap, FSServer, VSAServer, Dynamics365]
