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Get replication group details

Get details of a replication group based on replicationGroupId

Path Parameters
  • replicationGroupId string required
Query Parameters
  • viewReplicationOptions boolean

    Set to true if want to show replication options for a continuous replication group

  • overrideReplicationOptions boolean

    Set to true if you want to see override replication options for a periodic replication group



Response Headers


    • id int32

      Replication group id

    • name string

      Replication group name

    • summary object

      Summary of replication group

    • source string

      Source hypervisor

    • recoveryTarget string

      Can be used to identify destination for full VM restore

    • destinationVendor string

      Possible values: [Amazon, Azure, HyperV, VMware]

      Vendor used as destination for replication.

    • replicationType string

      Possible values: [Periodic, Continuous]

      Default value: Periodic

      The field specifies the type of replication that is to be performed

    • state string

      Possible values: [Enabled, Disabled, N/A]

      State of replication group. Values are case sensitive

    • rpo object

      Frequency of replication

    • replicationFrequency int32

      Default value: 240

      Max amount of time for which data can be lost during a service disruption. Determines frequency of backup jobs in minutes

    • storage object

      List of storage configured for a replication group

    • copies object[]

      List of all storages which are configured for that replication group

    • name string

      Storage name. Primary, secondary

    • storagePool object
    • id int32
    • name string
    • retention int32

      How long the data is retained. Mentioned in days

    • copyForReplication string

      Main storage which is used for replication

    • advancedOption object

      Advanced options for VMWare replication group

    • validateDestinationVM boolean

      Default value: true

      Validates that the destination VM is bootable by powering it on and then powering off

    • diskProvisioning string

      Possible values: [Auto, Thick, Thin, ThickEagerZero]

      Default value: Auto

      Select the disk provisioning type for the destination VM. The values are case sensitive.

    • transportMode string

      Possible values: [Auto, SAN, Hot_Add, NAS, NBD_SSL, NBD]

      Default value: Auto

      Choose transport mode based on environment. Values are case sensitive

    • unconditionalOverwrite boolean

      Default value: false

      Replace an existing virtual machine with the same name in the target location

    • SnapshotsToRetain int32

      Number of snapshots to retain on destination VM

    • replicationConfiguration object[]

      replication configuration for VMware replication group

    • sourceVM string

      The source VM

    • destinationVM string

      The replicated VM

    • destinationHost string

      Destination hypervisor

    • datastore string

      Select a datastore to be used for virtual machine disks

    • overrideReplicationOptions object

      Replication options for VMware

    • vmDisplayName string

      Enter the display name for the destination VM

    • destinationHost string

      Host for the destination VM

    • datastore string

      Select a datastore to be used for virtual machine disks

    • resourcePool string

      Select a resource pool for the destination VM

    • vmFolder string

      VM folder replication

    • networkSettings object[]

      Mapping between a source network and a destination network

    • source string

      Source network name

    • sourceId string

      Source network ID

    • destination string

      Destination network name

    • ipAddressSettings object[]

      Customize IP address settings

    • sourceIp string

      Source IP

    • subnetMask string

      Subnet mask

    • defaultGateway string

      Default gateway

    • useDhcp boolean

      Use DHCP

    • hostName string


    • destinationIp string

      Destination IP

    • SubnetMaskNoDhcp string

      Subnet mask when dhcp is not selected

    • defaultGatewayNoDhcp string

      Defaault gateway when dhcp is not selected

    • vendor string

      Possible values: [VMware]

      Vendor type of this replication group. Values in enum are case sensitive
