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Update existing user

Used to modify an existing user

Path Parameters
  • userId int32 required

    Id of the User to update

Request Body
  • fullName string

    Change name for existing user

  • newName string

    Change user name for existing user. Username can be used for logging-in as an alternate to email-id if duplicate email-ids are present.

  • email string

    Change email-id for existing user. This email-id can be used for logging-in.

  • userGroupOperation string

    Possible values: [ADD, DELETE, OVERWRITE]

    Default value: ADD

    Allows adding to, overwriting and deleting existing user groups. default is adding to existing userGroups

  • userGroups object[]

    Provide a list of userGroups that the user should be a part of. Note that for external users, user groups cannot be modified.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • newPassword string

    Change existing password for user. validationPassword must also be provided when changing password. Password should be in provided in Base64 format.

  • validationPassword string

    Provide the old password in Base64 format when updating the password. The new password has to be provided in the password tag.

  • plan object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • enabled boolean

    enable or disable the user.

  • userPrincipalName string

    Change User Principal Name(UPN) for existing user. This User Principal Name can be used for logging-in.

  • authenticationMethod string

    Change the current authentication method of user. SAML user association can be removed using this.



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32