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Update properties of a Kubernetes application group

API to update properties of a Kubernetes application group

Path Parameters
  • applicationGroupId int32 required

    applicationGroupId is the ID of the Kubernetes application group

Request Body
  • name string

    Specify new name to rename an Application Group

  • plan object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • content object

    Item describing the content for Application Group

  • overwrite boolean

    Default value: false

    Specifies whether content has to be overwritten or appended

  • applications object[]

    List of applications to be added as content

  • GUID string required

    GUID value of the Kubernetes Application to be associated as content

  • type string required


    Type of the Kubernetes application

  • name string

    Name of the application

  • labelSelectors object[]

    List of label selectors to be added as content

  • selectorValue string required

    Value of the label selector in key=value format

  • selectorLevel string required

    Possible values: [Application, Volumes, Namespace]

    Selector level of the label selector

  • filters object

    Item to describe the applications and label selectors for filters

  • overwrite boolean

    Default value: false

    Specifies whether content has to be overwritten or appended

  • skipStatelessApps boolean

    Default value: false

    Specify whether to skip backup of stateless applications

  • applications object[]

    List of applications to be added as content

  • GUID string required

    GUID value of the Kubernetes Application to be associated as content

  • type string required


    Type of the Kubernetes application

  • name string

    Name of the application

  • labelSelectors object[]

    List of label selectors to be added as content

  • selectorValue string required

    Value of the label selector in key=value format

  • selectorLevel string required

    Possible values: [Application, Volumes, Namespace]

    Selector level of the label selector

  • options object
  • backupStreams int32

    Default value: 5

    Define number of parallel data readers

  • jobStartTime int32

    Define the backup job start time in epochs

  • timezone object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • activityControl object
  • enableBackup boolean

    Default value: true

  • tags object[]
  • name string
  • value string


  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32