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Create partner

This is used by MSP to introduce their reseller partners. MSP will provide basic info of their reseller partners. MSP can enable reseller partner's access to command center to manage account workload if needed. Partner provisioning is asynchronous.

Request Body
  • name string required

    Partner Name

  • externalId string required

    Partner ID in MSP system

  • website string

    Partner website

  • contacts object[] required

    Partner contacts

  • type string required

    Default value: primary

    Contact type.We currently support "primary" type only.

  • email string required

    Contact email. It needs to be a valid email and unique in Metallic.

  • firstName string required

    Contact first name

  • lastName string required

    Contact last name

  • address object

    Contact address

  • addressLine1 string required

    Street address

  • addressLine2 string

    Street address continued

  • city string required


  • state string

    This field is required when country is United States, otherwise is optional. If provided, it must be ISO standard code or name.

  • country string required


  • postalCode string required

    Postal Code

  • workloadAccess boolean required

    Access to manage accounts


