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Deactivate Account

This API can be used to deactivate an account using its metallic id. The API gives an option to disable login or backup or restore. At least one of the deactivation options must be set to true. The account deactivation process is asynchronous. The account status becomes deactivating when account deactivation process is initiated. Once deactivation is complete account status is deactivated.

Path Variables

accountIdAccount metallic idUUID

Request Body

disableLoginLogin disabled when set to trueBooleanFalse
disableBackupBackup disabled when set to trueBooleanFalse
disableRestoreRestore disabled when set to trueBooleanFalse

At least one of the disable options must be set to true.

Response Body

Same as 'Get Account by Id - Response Body (Account Object)'

Path Parameters
  • id string required
Request Body required
  • disableLogin boolean
  • disableBackup boolean
  • disableRestore boolean

