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Plan Clients

This operation updates associations for client to a plan.

Plan Association Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure plan associations:


Applies to: SNAP Plans only Description: Specifies the ID of the array for which the plan is being associated.


Description: Determines whether to associate all subclients with the plan, along with the client. Valid values: 1: True (associate all subclients) 0: False (do not associate subclients)


Applies when: AppType is provided Description: Specifies whether to associate only the default subclients of the provided AppType with the plan. Valid values: 1: True (associate only default subclients) 0: False (associate all subclients)


Description: Indicates whether to expand all apptypes of the client with their subclients for plan association. Valid values: 1: True (expand all apptypes) 0: False (do not expand all apptypes)


Description: Enables specific AppIds for plan association. Valid values: 1: True (enable the AppId) 0: False (do not enable the AppId) Sub Param: apptypes (used to specify the apptypes associated with the AppIds)


Description: Specifies whether to include subclient IDs in the plan association. Valid values: 1: True (include subclient IDs) 0: False (do not include subclient IDs)


Description: Associates a specific subclient ID with the plan.

Path Parameters
  • PlanId string required
Request Body
  • clients object[]
  • clientId integer
  • additonalTasks object[]
  • value string
  • key string
  • parameters object[]
  • value string
  • key string
  • plan object
  • planId integer


  • clients object[]
  • clientId integer
  • additonalTasks object[]
  • value string
  • key string
  • parameters object[]
  • value string
  • key string
  • plan object
  • planId integer