Perform Browse on Backed up Data
This operation is used to browse and get a list of items backed up.
- application/json
Request Body required
- opType Operation type required
Possible values: [
]The operation type of the browse request. "Browse" - Returns results level by level. "Find" - Returns all the items recursively. "Versions" - Returns all the versions of a file
entity object required
clientId int32applicationId int32instanceId int32backupsetId int32subclientId int32clientName string requiredappName string requiredinstanceName string requiredbackupsetName string requiredsubclientName stringpaths object[] required
path string requiredThe path to browse on the backup data. Use asterisk in find operation type. For example /home/**/* to get recursive results under /home directory.
options object
showDeletedFiles booleanThe option to include deleted files
advOptions object
copyPrecedence int32The copy precedence of the storage policy/plan to browse from.
timeRange object
fromTime int32The epoch time to start browse data from
toTime int32The epoch time to end browse data with
queries object[] required
A list of browse queries to make on the selected entity
queryId stringA custom name to identify the query in the response
type stringPossible values: [
]The type of browse query. Set either dataParam or aggrParam based on the query type. Default value is "Data"
dataParam object required
This query returns the list of items backed up with the metadata
paging object
pageSize int32The number of items to return in the response.
skipNode int32The number of items to skip from the top of the results. This is used to get the items of a specific page. Example, to get results from page 3, skipnode should be (3-1 x pageSize)
sortParam object
Options to sort the browse items
ascending booleansortBy string[]Possible values: [
]The field to sort the browse items with
aggrParam object
This query returns the aggregate results from the data
aggrType stringPossible values: [
]The type of aggregate
field stringPossible values: [
]The aggregate field to group data with
whereClause object[]
Conditions to filter the browse items
connector stringPossible values: [
]criteria object
field stringPossible values: [
]dataOperator stringPossible values: [
]The operator to compare the field value with. Optional for "FileName" field. For "Flags" field, operator "IN" must be used
values string[]The value to compare with the field
- 200
- application/json
- Browse/find response
"browseResponses": [
"respType": 0,
"workerId": "1",
"session": {
"sessionId": "1497261754-1"
"browseResult": {
"queryId": "dataQuery",
"dataResultSet": [
"path": "C:\\\\csguid.png",
"size": 31420,
"modificationTime": 1494235377,
"displayName": "csguid.png",
"name": "csguid.png",
"flags": {
"isPseudo": false,
"file": true,
"isFake": false,
"snap": false
"advancedData": {
"backupJobId": 324,
"referenceTime": 1496382395,
"offset": 0,
"archiveGroupId": 3,
"objectGuid": "996e5a87f1fdae404ca096e70d1c21de",
"backupTime": 1496382395,
"archiveFileId": 134,
"subclient": {
"type": 0,
"_type_": 7,
"applicationId": 49
"sourceCommServer": {
"_type_": 1,
"commCellId": 2,
"type": 0
"advConfig": {
"browseAdvancedConfigResp": {
"commcellNumber": 122516778
"browseMetaData": {
"fsData": {
"geoLocation": "<App_GeoLocation ip_address='' latitude='40.300720' longitude='-74.081910' status_code='SUCCESS' status_description=''/>"
"indexing": {
"backupTime": 1496041441,
"fileChangeTime": 1495091808
"dmStubData": {
"guid": "79cdf4ff048d7f66563e260400d71a3c"
"virtualServerMetaData": {
"extentBlobBitMap": ""
"path": "C:\\\\demo.pptx",
"size": 266613,
"modificationTime": 1462779722,
"displayName": "demo.pptx",
"name": "demo.pptx",
"flags": {
"isPseudo": false,
"file": true,
"isFake": false,
"snap": false
"advancedData": {
"backupJobId": 324,
"referenceTime": 1496382395,
"offset": 25287,
"archiveGroupId": 3,
"objectGuid": "a3747ff8179b1ea06fcf9cafca8059e3",
"backupTime": 1496382395,
"archiveFileId": 134,
"subclient": {
"type": 0,
"_type_": 7,
"applicationId": 49
"sourceCommServer": {
"_type_": 1,
"commCellId": 2,
"type": 0
"advConfig": {
"browseAdvancedConfigResp": {
"commcellNumber": 122516778
"browseMetaData": {
"fsData": {
"geoLocation": "<App_GeoLocation ip_address='' latitude='40.300720' longitude='-74.081910' status_code='SUCCESS' status_description=''/>"
"indexing": {
"backupTime": 1496041441,
"fileChangeTime": 1495091862
"dmStubData": {
"guid": "de1be9262f87c39b91ace2450a83d600"
"virtualServerMetaData": {
"extentBlobBitMap": ""
"respType": 0,
"workerId": "1",
"session": {
"sessionId": "1497261754-1"
"browseResult": {
"queryId": "aggregate_query",
"aggrResultSet": [
"result": 2,
"groupbyValue": "",
"count": 2
"respType": 5,
"workerId": "1",
"session": {
"sessionId": "1497261754-1"