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Browse contents for a subclient

This operation lists all the content present in the cloud for a subclient which can be configured for backup.

Request Body
  • cloudAppsProperties object
  • instance object
  • instanceId integer required

    Client's instance ID

  • cloudAppInstanceProps object
  • instanceType string required

    Cloud vendor type

  • credentialType string required
  • objectStorageInstance object

    For azure subcription cloud ac

  • generalCloudProperties object
  • objectStorageMultinode integer required

    Default value: 1

  • credentials object
  • credentialId integer

    Credential ID associated with subclient

  • credentialName string required

    Credential name

  • memberServers object[]
  • client object
  • clientId integer

    Access node's ID

  • clientName string required

    Access node's name

  • _type_ string
  • azureInstance object

    For subcription based cloud accounts

  • adAccountName string

    Name of the storage account

  • hostURL string

    Azure endpoint

  • path string required

    Default value: /

  • foldersOnly boolean required

    Default value: false

  • clientEntity object
  • clientId integer required

    Access node's ID



  • path string

    File path

  • browseItems object[]
  • utime integer
  • fileSize integer

    Size of the file

  • name string

    Name of the folder or file

  • fileType integer

    0 : File | 1: Folder
