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Fetch Template details

This operation is used to fetch template details.

Path Parameters
  • ClientId integer required

    Client Id for the salesforce organization

  • TemplateId integer required

    Seeding template ID

Query Parameters
  • backupsetId integer

    Backupset Id of the salesforce organization



  • createdTime integer

    Creation time of the template

  • association object

    Associated salesforce organization details

  • applicationId integer

    For Salesforce use 134

  • backupsetId integer
  • instanceId integer
  • backupsetName string
  • config object
  • seedingOptions object[]
  • restoreParentType integer

    Parent restore level Ex: No parents- 0, All parents- 1

  • nRows number

    Number of records for seeding type 2

  • excludeObject boolean

    Set true to exclude some childrens from restore

  • objectName string

    Object name

  • type integer

    Seeding rule Ex: SQL- 0, Updated in n days- 1, Recently updated n records- 2, All records- 3

  • dependentRestoreLevel integer

    Children restore level Ex: All- -1, No- 0, Immediate- 1

  • excludedObjects string[]

    Objects to exclude from restore

  • query string

    SQL query to use with where clause

  • queryBlock object

    Query block to build query for seeding type 0

  • isAnd boolean

    Set true to perform AND between Rule Groups otherwise OR will be used

  • blocks object[]
  • isAnd boolean

    Set true to perform AND between rules of the group otherwise OR will be used

  • rules object[]
  • columnType integer


  • condition integer

    Condition Ex: equals to-0, does not equal to-1, contains-2, does not contain-3, less than-4, less than or equal to-5, greater than-6, greater than or equal to-7, between-8, starts with-12, ends with-13, is null-14, is not null-15, not between-18

  • stringParam1 string

    Provide first parameter if required with operation

  • column string

    Column name for rule

  • stringParam2 string

    Provide second parameter if required with operation

  • nDays number

    Number of days for seeding type 1

  • userSelectedMaskingPolicy object
  • policyId integer
  • policyName string
  • policy object
  • policyId integer
  • policyName string