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Create a Storage Pool

This operation creates a Storage Pool.

Query Parameters
  • Action string

    Default value: create

Request Body
  • storagePolicyName string required

    Name of the storage pool to be created

  • type integer

    Default value: 1

  • copyName string

    Name of the storage pool copy to be created

  • numberOfCopies integer
  • clientGroup object
  • clientGroupId integer
  • clientGroupName string
  • storage object[] required

    A list of mountpaths locations can be provided for the storage pool being created if library is not already created

  • path string required

    Mountpath location on a MediaAgent

  • mediaAgent object
  • mediaAgentId integer

    MediaAgent Details that is used to create storage pool. Id of the MediaAgent

  • mediaAgentName string

    Name of the MediaAgent

  • credentials object
  • storagePolicyCopyInfo object
  • copyType integer
  • isFromGui boolean
  • active integer
  • isDefault integer
  • numberOfStreamsToCombine integer
  • dedupeFlags object
  • enableDASHFull integer
  • hostGlobalDedupStore integer
  • enableDeduplication integer

    To enable the deduplication on a storage pool. Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).

  • storagePolicyFlags object
  • blockLevelDedup integer

    To create a deduplication enabled storage pool, Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable)

  • enableGlobalDeduplication integer

    To create a deduplication enabled storage pool, Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable)

  • globalStoragePolicy int32

    To create a non-deduplication enabled storage pool, Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable)

  • DDBPartitionInfo object
  • maInfoList object[]

    A list of dedupe locations can be provided for the deduplication enabled storage pool being created

  • mediaAgent object
  • mediaAgentId integer

    Id of the MediaAgent where deduplication database is located

  • mediaAgentName string

    Name of the MediaAgent where deduplication database is located

  • subStoreList object[]
  • diskFreeWarningThreshholdMB integer
  • diskFreeThresholdMB integer
  • accessPath object
  • path string

    Deduplication Database Location on a MediaAgent

  • library object
  • libraryName string

    Name of the library

  • libraryId integer

    Library details if already created that can used to create storage pool. Id of library if already created else 0

  • mediaAgent object
  • mediaAgentId integer

    MediaAgent Details that is used to create storage pool. Id of the MediaAgent

  • mediaAgentName string

    Name of the MediaAgent



  • responseType integer
  • archiveGroupCopy object
  • storagePolicyName string
  • storagePolicyId integer
  • copyId integer
  • _type_ integer
  • copyName string
  • error object
  • errorCode integer