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Get Controller for a mount path

This operation returns the list of all controllers for a mount path.

Query Parameters
  • mountPathId string


  • mountPathInfo object
  • jobIds string
  • mediaAgents string
  • libraryVendorId integer
  • mountPathId integer
  • mountPathName string
  • dataServerType integer
  • status string
  • mountPathSummary object
  • libraryName string
  • avgMediaConsumedPerDay integer
  • totalDeduplicationAppSize integer
  • avgDataWrittenPerDayMB integer
  • totalReserveSpaceMB integer
  • lastNumDays integer
  • libraryId integer
  • totalSpace integer
  • totalValidData integer
  • estimatedSpaceRunoutDays integer
  • warningWaterMark integer
  • totalFreeSpace integer
  • avgMediaFreedPerDay integer
  • totalDataWritten integer
  • avgCapacityFreedMB integer
  • lowWaterMark integer
  • numberOfWriters integer
  • attribute integer
  • totalAppSize integer
  • totalDeduplicationDataWritten integer
  • associatedMA string[]
  • deviceList object[]
  • numWriters integer
  • autoPickTransportType boolean
  • opType integer
  • proxyPassword string
  • protocolType integer
  • userName string
  • deviceId integer
  • enabled integer
  • accessType integer
  • path string
  • password string
  • deviceControllerId integer
  • mediaAgent object
  • name string
  • id integer
  • deviceInfo object
  • name string
  • id integer