Create Task (Backup)
This operation runs a backup job for a subclient or a backup set.
- application/json
Request Body
taskInfo object
associations object[] required
applicationId integerclientName stringThe name of the client.
commCellId integerbackupsetName stringThe name of the backup set.
appName stringinstanceId integerThe system-generated ID assigned to the instance.
task object
sequenceNumber integerA user-defined number other than zero.
initiatedFrom integerDefault value:
taskType integerWhether the task is immediate or scheduled
policyType stringValid value is DATA_PROTECTION
taskId integertaskFlags object
disabled booleansubTasks object[]
subTask object
subTaskType stringBACKUP
operationType stringBACKUP
options object
backupOpts object
truncateLogsOnSource booleansybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp booleanbackupLevel stringPossible values: [
]runIncrementalBackup booleanisSpHasInLineCopy booleanrunSILOBackup booleandoNotTruncateLog booleanThe option to not truncate the logs.
dataOpt object
skipCatalogPhaseForSnapBackup booleanfollowMountPoints booleanenableIndexCheckPointing booleanenforceTransactionLogUsage booleanspaceReclamation booleanskipConsistencyCheck booleancreateNewIndex booleanverifySynthFull booleandataPathOpt object
mediaAgent object
mediaAgentId integerlibrary object
libraryId integerdrivePool object
drivePoolId integerspareGroup object
spareMediaGroupId integerdrive object
driveId integermediaOpt object
markMediaFullOnSuccess booleannumberofDays integerstartNewMedia booleanretentionJobType integerallowOtherSchedulesToUseMediaSet booleanreserveResourcesBeforeScan booleancommonOpts object
jobDescription stringjobRetryOpts object
killRunningJobWhenTotalRunningTimeExpires booleannumberOfRetries integerenableNumberOfRetries booleanrunningTime object
enableTotalRunningTime booleantotalRunningTime integerstartUpOpts object
startInSuspendedState booleanuseDefaultPriority booleanpriority integer
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Create Task ( Backup) - This request starts an immediate backup job.
- taskId integer
- jobIds string[]
"taskId": 0,
"jobIds": [
"taskId": 124,
"jobIds": [