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Modify Sybase Subclient

This operation modifies the subclient properties for a given subclient

Path Parameters
  • subclientId string required

    ID of the subclient

Request Body
  • subClientProperties object
  • planEntity object
  • entityInfo object
  • companyId string

    ID of the company being used

  • companyName string

    Name of the company being used

  • planId string

    ID of the plan to be assigned

  • planName string

    Name of the plan to be assigned

  • commonProperties object
  • snapCopyInfo object
  • snapToTapeProxyToUse object
  • clientId integer

    ID of the client to be used as access node for Backup copy

  • clientName string

    Name of the client to be used as access node for backup copy

  • snapToTapeSelectedEngine object
  • snapShotEngineId integer

    ID of the snapshot engine to be used

  • snapShotEngineName string

    Name of the snapshot engine to be used

  • isSnapBackupEnabled boolean
  • useSeparateProxyForSnapToTape boolean
  • prepostProcess object
  • preBackupCommand string

    path for the command to run before backup

  • postBackupCommand string

    path for the command to run post backup is completed

  • runPostScan string
  • runPostBackup string
  • runAs string


  • prepostUserName object
  • userName string

    username to run the command as

  • password string

    password for the user

  • content object[]
  • sybaseContent object
  • databaseName string

    name of the database to be included in the subclient backup

  • contentOperationType string

    Default value: OVERWRITE

  • association object
  • entity object[]
  • subclientId integer

    ID of the subclient

  • clientId integer

    ID of the client

  • applicationId integer

    Default value: 5

    Application ID

  • instanceId integer

    ID of the Instance

  • subclientName string

    Name of the subclient

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer

    ID of the company

  • companyName string

    Name of the company

  • multiCommcellId integer
  • instanceName string

    Name of the Instance

  • appName string

    Default value: Sybase

    Application Name

  • clientName string

    Name of the Client

  • excludeFromSLA boolean

    True if subclient is to be excluded from SLA

  • excludedReason string

    Reason for excluding subclient



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object[]
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string