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Get Usergroup Details (Deprecated)


This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

This operation returns the properties associated with a user group.

More Details

Path Parameters
  • UserGroupId string required


  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • userGroups object[]
  • description string
  • allAssociations boolean
  • enforceFSQuota boolean
  • enabled boolean
  • agePasswordDays integer
  • email string
  • edgeDriveQuotaLimitInGB integer
  • enforceEdgeDriveQuota boolean
  • quotaLimitInGB integer
  • preferenceMachineCentricClient boolean
  • allCapabilities boolean
  • securityAssociations object
  • associations object[]
  • entities object
  • entity object[]
  • commCellName string
  • commCellId integer
  • _type_ integer
  • properties object
  • isCreatorAssociation boolean
  • categoryPermission object
  • categoriesPermissionList object[]
  • permissionId integer
  • permissionName string
  • _type_ integer
  • categoryId integer
  • permissions object[]
  • permissionId integer
  • permissionName string
  • role object
  • _type_ integer
  • roleId integer
  • roleName string
  • provider object
  • providerId integer
  • userGroupEntity object
  • userGroupId integer
  • userGroupName string
  • plan object
  • users object[]
  • userName string
  • userId integer
  • vcloudGroupProp object
  • groupSecurity object
  • ownerAssociations object