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Get List of Jobs


Customer Managed

This operation returns a list of jobs for a client.

More Details

Query Parameters
  • completedJobLookupTime int32

    Default value: 31536000

    Time in seconds

  • clientId string

    The client ID for the client. If the client ID is not known, use the GET Client API to retrieve it

  • jobCategory string

    The category of the job. If the jobCategory parameter is not used, the GET Job API returns all jobs. Valid values are: Active, Finished, All

  • jobFilter string

    The type of job. If the jobFilter parameter is not used, the GET Job API returns backup jobs. This parameter supports: Multiple job types - for example, Job?clientId=2&jobFilter=backup,restore returns both backup and restore job types.

Header Parameters
  • limit string

    The number of results to be listed in a page. Used for changing the paging limits. By default, the limit is 100 results per page.

  • offset string

    The number from which the results will be displayed. Used for changing the paging offsets. By default, the offset is 0. For example, if limit is 50 and offset is 0, the results are displayed from 1 to 50 (first page). If offset is 50, the results are displayed from 51 to 100 (second page). Similarly, you will add additional offset numbers to display subsequent pages.



  • totalRecordsWithoutPaging integer
  • jobs object[]
  • jobSummary object
  • sizeOfApplication integer

    The amount of application data that was protected during the job.

  • backupSetName string

    The name of the backupset associated with the job.

  • totalFailedFolders integer

    The total number of folders that failed during the job.

  • totalFailedFiles integer

    The total number of files that failed during the job.

  • isVisible boolean

    Valid values are True/False.

  • localizedStatus string

    The localized value of the job status based on the input locale.

  • isAged boolean

    Valid values are True/False.

  • totalNumOfFiles integer

    The total number of files processed during the job.

  • jobId integer

    The system-generated ID assigned to the job.

  • jobSubmitErrorCode integer

    Errors that may show for a job.

  • sizeOfMediaOnDisk integer

    Size of the data stored on the media. This is the size of the data after deduplication and compression, if employed. This amount also includes metadata information, so in some cases, it could be larger than the actual size of the backed up data.

  • status string

    The status of the job.

    Sample Values: Killed, Completed, Running

  • lastUpdateTime integer

    The date and time the job was last updated.

    Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970).

  • percentSavings number

    The percentage of space saved due to deduplication and compression, if employed.

  • localizedOperationName string

    The name of the localized operation.

  • statusColor string

    The color associated with the status in the status parameter.

  • backupLevel integer

    The level of backup. Valid values are Full, Incremental, Differential, Synthetic Full

  • jobElapsedTime integer

    The time in seconds that the job ran.

  • jobStartTime integer

    The date and time the job started.

    Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970).

  • jobType string

    The type of job, for example, "Backup."

  • isPreemptable integer

    Indicates whether a high priority job can pre-empt this job or not. Valid values are 1/0

  • backupLevelName string

    The name of the backup job level. Valid values are Full, Incremental, Differential, Synthetic Full.

    Note: For database agents, incremental backup jobs appear as Transaction Log.

  • appTypeName string

    The name of the application.

    Sample values are File System, NAS, SQL Server, Virtual Server

  • percentComplete integer

    The progress of the job shown as a percentage.

  • localizedBackupLevelName string

    The localized value of the backup level based on the input locale.

  • subclientName string

    The name of the subclient associated with the job.

  • destClientName string

    Destination client Name

  • subclient object
  • clientName string
  • instanceName string
  • backupsetId integer
  • instanceId integer
  • subclientId integer
  • clientId integer
  • appName string
  • backupsetName string
  • applicationId integer
  • subclientName string
  • clientGroups object[]
  • _type_ integer
  • clientGroupId integer
  • clientGroupName string