Get DynamoDB table group properties
Customer Managed
This operation fetches the DynamoDB table group properties using Subclient ID.
Path Parameters
- Subclient_id string required
ID of subclient
- 200
- 404
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
subClientProperties object[]
"subClientProperties": [
"status": 0,
"useLocalContent": true,
"useLocalArchivalRules": true,
"canChangeEncryptionSetting": true,
"planEntity": {
"planType": 0,
"planName": "string",
"planSubtype": 0,
"planId": 0
"proxyClient": {
"clientId": 0,
"clientName": "string"
"subClientEntity": {
"clientName": "string",
"instanceName": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"backupsetId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"commCellName": "string",
"instanceId": 0,
"csGUID": "string",
"subclientGUID": "string",
"subclientId": 0,
"clientId": 0,
"appName": "string",
"backupsetName": "string",
"applicationId": 134,
"subclientName": "string",
"entityInfo": {
"companyId": 0,
"companyName": "string",
"multiCommcellId": 0
"dfsSubclientProp": {},
"cloudAppsSubClientProp": {
"instanceType": 0,
"dynamoDBSubclient": {
"temporaryReadThroughput": 0
"region": {},
"commonProperties": {
"nextBackupTime": 0,
"slaStatus": 0,
"isAdAppAwareSubclient": true,
"disableArchivingTurboRule": true,
"firstBackupTime": 0,
"lastBackupTime": 0,
"indexingBackupSubClient": true,
"allowVssForSnapbackup": true,
"isActivityDisabledFromPolicy": true,
"isETCDSubclient": true,
"enableBackupAfterDelay": true,
"runAs": 0,
"slaCategoryDescription": "string",
"onBoardCompanyId": 0,
"sizeOnMedia": 0,
"enableBackup": true,
"encryptionFlag": 0,
"numberOfBackupStreams": 0,
"idaType": 0,
"runTrueUpJobAfterDays": 0,
"totalBackupSize": 0,
"dedupeRatio": 0,
"isTrueUpOptionEnabled": true,
"slaCategory": 0,
"subClientPropertiesFlag": 0,
"lastBackupSize": 0,
"allowMultipleDataReaders": true,
"securityAssociations": {
"ownerAssociations": {},
"tagWithCompany": {
"providerId": 0,
"providerDomainName": "string"
"associatedSnapShotSCId": {
"_type_": 0
"snapCopyInfo": {
"IsOracleSposDriverEnabled": true,
"isRMANEnableForTapeMovement": true,
"useProxyForSQLIntegrity": {},
"sybaseUser": {},
"snapToTapeSelectedEngine": {
"_type_": 0
"sqlUser": {},
"vmApplicationUser": {},
"snapToTapeProxyToUse": {
"_type_": 0
"quiesceImpersonateUser": {},
"separateProxyForSnapToTape": {
"_type_": 0
"sshKey": {},
"configuredSybaseInstance": {
"_type_": 0
"subclientPolicy": {
"_type_": 0,
"subclientPolicyName": "string"
"impersonateUserCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"enableBackupAtDateTime": {
"TimeZoneID": 0,
"time": 0
"turboNASClient": {
"_type_": 0
"prepostProcess": {
"runPostScan": 0,
"runPostBackup": 0,
"runPostLog": 0,
"prepostUserName": {}
"security": {
"associatedUserGroups": [
"userGroupId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"userGroupName": "string"
"advancedPrivacySettings": {
"isPasskeyFeatureEnabled": true,
"authType": 0,
"isPrivacyFeatureEnabled": true,
"passkeySettings": {
"enableAuthorizeForRestore": true,
"expirationTime": {
"time": 0
"ownerCapabilities": {}
"storageDevice": {
"networkAgents": 0,
"softwareCompression": 0,
"throttleNetworkBandwidth": 0,
"dataBackupStoragePolicy": {
"_type_": 0,
"storagePolicyName": "string",
"storagePolicyId": 0
"deDuplicationOptions": {
"enableDeduplication": true,
"generateSignature": 0
"logBackupStoragePolicy": {
"_type_": 0
"performanceMode": {
"perfSPName": "string",
"multiplexingValid": true,
"enableMultiplexing": true,
"perfCopyName": "string",
"perfClientName": "string",
"streamsOverMux": true,
"pipelineBufferSize": 0,
"numOfPipelineBuffers": 0,
"muxFactor": 0,
"lookAheadReaderSlots": 0,
"perfCRCDetails": [
"crcOverMedia": true,
"perfMaId": 0,
"crcOverNetwork": true,
"perfMa": "string"
"UNCScriptCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"vmBackupValidationSettings": {
"isAppValidationEnabled": true,
"backupValidationThreadCount": 0,
"subTaskId": 0,
"isCustomAppEnabled": true,
"runAsDevTestGroup": true,
"taskId": 0,
"useSourceVMEsxToMount": true,
"uncScriptImpersonateUser": {
"userName": "string"
"prepostCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"associatedPolicy": {
"subclientPolicyId": 0
"guestCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"analyticsSubclientProp": {},
"cloudDbContent": {
"children": [
"path": "string",
"negation": true,
"displayName": "string",
"name": "string",
"allOrAnyChildren": true,
"type": 0
Not Found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
- errorMessage string
- errorCode integer
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
"errorMessage": "Input XML has invalid subclient name in association.",
"errorCode": 587204334
GET /subclient/:subclient_id
type: apiKeyname: Authtokenin: header
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/Subclient/:Subclient_id' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/Subclient/:Subclient_id' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/Subclient/:Subclient_id' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/Subclient/:Subclient_id' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/Subclient/:Subclient_id' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/Subclient/:Subclient_id' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/Subclient/:Subclient_id' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'