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Create Task (Backup)


Customer Managed

This operation runs a backup job for a subclient or a backup set.

Customize the backup of the backupset using the payload

More Details

Request Body
  • taskInfo object
  • associations object[]

    Provide the backupset info: Use Get BackupSet API to get the details of these

  • applicationId integer

    Application ID

  • clientName string

    Client Name

  • backupsetName string

    Name of the backup set

  • appName string

    Application Name: Use Get Backup Set API to retrie

  • backupsetId integer

    Id of the backupset

  • task object required

    Customize the task

  • sequenceNumber integer

    A user-defined number other than zero.

  • initiatedFrom string

    Possible values: [GUI, COMMANDLINE]

  • taskType integer

    The option to schedule the task or to run the task immediately.

  • policyType integer

    Valid value is DATA_PROTECTION

  • taskId integer
  • taskFlags object
  • disabled boolean
  • subTasks object[]
  • subTask object
  • subTaskType string

    Possible values: [BACKUP]

    Valid value is BACKUP

  • operationType integer

    Valid value is BACKUP.

  • options object
  • backupOpts object
  • truncateLogsOnSource boolean

    The option to truncate logs on source.

  • sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp boolean
  • backupLevel string


    The type of backup to perform.

  • runIncrementalBackup boolean
  • isSpHasInLineCopy boolean
  • runSILOBackup boolean
  • doNotTruncateLog boolean
  • dataOpt object
  • skipCatalogPhaseForSnapBackup boolean
  • followMountPoints boolean
  • enableIndexCheckPointing boolean
  • enforceTransactionLogUsage boolean
  • spaceReclamation boolean
  • skipConsistencyCheck boolean
  • createNewIndex boolean

    SAP Oracle: The option to create a new index.

  • verifySynthFull boolean
  • dataPathOpt object
  • mediaAgent object
  • mediaAgentId integer
  • library object
  • libraryId integer
  • drivePool object
  • drivePoolId integer
  • spareGroup object
  • spareMediaGroupId integer
  • drive object
  • driveId integer
  • mediaOpt object
  • markMediaFullOnSuccess boolean
  • numberofDays integer
  • startNewMedia boolean
  • retentionJobType integer
  • allowOtherSchedulesToUseMediaSet boolean
  • reserveResourcesBeforeScan boolean
  • commonOpts object
  • jobDescription string
  • jobRetryOpts object
  • killRunningJobWhenTotalRunningTimeExpires boolean
  • numberOfRetries integer
  • enableNumberOfRetries boolean
  • runningTime object
  • enableTotalRunningTime boolean
  • totalRunningTime integer
  • startUpOpts object
  • startInSuspendedState boolean
  • useDefaultPriority boolean
  • priority integer


  • taskId integer
  • jobIds string[]