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Restore a COSMOS DB Cassandra API instance


Customer Managed

This API is used to restore Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API instance

Request Body
  • taskInfo object
  • associations object[]
  • timezone object
  • clientId integer
  • instanceName string
  • client object
  • owner object
  • subclientId integer
  • applicationId integer
  • appName string
  • clientName string
  • backupsetId integer
  • instanceId integer
  • subtask object
  • backupsetName string
  • _type_ string
  • task object
  • taskType string
  • initiatedFrom string
  • policyType string
  • subTasks object[]
  • subTask object
  • subTaskType string
  • operationType string
  • options object
  • restoreOptions object
  • browseOption object
  • commCellId integer
  • timeRange object
  • fromTime integer
  • toTime integer
  • destination object
  • noOfStreams integer
  • destClient object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • destinationInstance object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • applicationId integer
  • appName string
  • instanceId integer
  • instanceName string
  • fileOption object
  • sourceItem string[]
  • cloudAppsRestoreOptions object
  • instanceType string
  • azureDbRestoreOptions object
  • overwrite boolean
  • restoreEntity object[]
  • srcEntity object
  • storageAccountName string
  • tableName string
  • databaseName string
  • destEntity object
  • storageAccountName string
  • tableName string
  • databaseName string
  • commonOpts object
  • subscriptionInfo string
  • notifyUserOnJobCompletion boolean


  • taskId integer
  • jobIds string[]