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Install DB2 agent on database server


Customer Managed

This operation is used to install DB2 agent on database server

Request Body
  • taskInfo object
  • associations object[]
  • commCellId integer
  • task object required
  • taskType integer required

    1 for installing DB2 server

  • subTasks object[] required
  • subTask object required
  • subTaskType integer required

    1 for installing DB2 server

  • operationType integer required

    4026 for installing DB2 server

  • options object
  • backupOpts object
  • backupLevel integer
  • commonOpts object
  • notifyUserOnJobCompletion boolean

    True if you want to get notified on successful job completion

  • jobMetadata object[]
  • adminOpts object
  • clientInstallOption object required
  • installerOption object
  • User object
  • userId integer
  • userName string
  • CommServeHostName string required

    Commserve hostname

  • installFlags object
  • allowMultipleInstances boolean
  • install32Base boolean
  • disableOSFirewall boolean
  • addToFirewallExclusion boolean
  • forceReboot boolean
  • killBrowserProcesses boolean
  • ignoreJobsRunning boolean
  • stopOracleServices boolean
  • skipClientsOfCS boolean
  • restoreOnlyAgents boolean
  • overrideClientInfo boolean
  • firewallInstall object
  • enableFirewallConfig boolean
  • firewallConnectionType integer
  • portNumber integer
  • unixGroup string

    DB2 unix group

  • unixGroupAccess integer
  • unixOtherAccess integer
  • overrideUnixGroupAndPermissions boolean
  • clientComposition object[]
  • components object
  • componentInfo object[]
  • ComponentName string required

    "DB2" as we are installing DB2 IDA

  • ComponentId integer required

    1207 for DB2 Unix and 351 for DB2 Windows

  • osType string required

    windows or unix

  • packageName string
  • consumeLic boolean
  • packageId integer
  • db2 object
  • db2ArchivePath string required

    path where db logs should be stored post archival

  • db2RetrievePath string required

    Path from where log retrieval should happen

  • db2AuditErrorPath string required

    path where meta data is stored

  • clientInfo object
  • client object
  • evmgrcPort integer
  • cvdPort integer
  • clientDetails object[]
  • clientEntity object required
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string required


  • hostName string required

    Hostname of the client

  • displayName string required

    Name of client that should be displayed in commcell

  • installOSType integer
  • discoveryType integer
  • credential object
  • credentialId integer required

    ID of the saved credentials in commserver

  • credentialName string required

    Name of the saved credentials

  • clientAuthForJob object
  • password string
  • savedCredential object
  • credentialId integer required

    ID of the saved credentials from commserve

  • credentialName string required

    Name of the saved credentials from commserver

  • useSSHKey boolean

    True if you want to install IDA using SSH authentication

  • useSSHKeyPassphrase boolean

    True if you have a passphrase for your ssh file

  • sshKeyFileContent string

    Contents of ssh .ppk file

  • sshKeyFilePassphrase object
  • password string

    If Passpharse is present for ssh file , pass the passphrase here in base64 encoded format

  • userName string
  • updateOption object
  • rebootClient boolean

    True if you want to reboot client post IDA installation

  • plan object
  • planId integer

    plan id of the plan that should be associated to client

  • planName string

    nam of plan that should be associated to client



  • taskId integer
  • jobIds string[]