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Add Subclient to a DB2 MultiNode Backupset


Customer Managed

This operation is used to add a new subclient to a DB2 MultiNode Instance Backupset

Request Body
  • subClientProperties object required
  • subClientEntity object required
  • clientName string
  • instanceName string
  • displayName string
  • backupsetId integer required

    Id of the backupset under which subclient needs to be added

  • _type_ string
  • instanceId integer required

    ID of the instance under which backupset is present

  • backupsetGUID string
  • clientId integer required

    ID of the DB2 MultiNode Pseudo Client

  • appName string
  • backupsetName string
  • applicationId integer required

    Possible values: [103]

    Application ID of DB2 MultiNode is 103

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • subclientId integer
  • subclientName string required

    Name of the subclient to be created

  • commonProperties object
  • planEntity object required
  • planId integer required

    Pass the ID of plan that needs to get associated to the subclient

  • contentOperationType integer required

    2 to add a subclient

  • db2SubclientProp object required

    pass the properties of subclient in this object

  • db2BackupData boolean required

    True if data backup is enabled for the subclient

  • db2BackupMode integer required

    0 for online database and 1 for offline database

  • db2BackupLogFiles boolean required

    True if log backup is enabled for the subclient

  • db2DeleteLogFilesAfter boolean required

    True if log files should be deleted from archive path post log backup

  • skipLogsInBackupImage integer required

    0 if you dont want to include logs in backup image , 1 to include logs in backup image

  • db2UseDedupeDevice boolean
  • numberOfBackupStreams integer required

    Total numbers of streams that should be used

  • db2DpfStreams string required

    Streams for each Node

  • db2BackupType integer

    1 in case of using subset option

  • content object[]

    pass this object if you want to create subclient with subset of tablespaces

  • db2Content object required

    pass the tablespace inside this object

  • db2TableSpace string required

    Table space name



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string
  • entity object
  • subclientId integer
  • _type_ integer