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Restore Subclient


Customer Managed

Perform the restore of a file server subclient.

Request Body
  • taskInfo object
  • associations object[]

    Subclient association

  • clientId integer

    Client ID. Provide Client Id or Name

  • clientName string

    Client Name

  • displayName string

    Diplay Name

  • subclientId integer

    Id of the subclient to restore

  • subclientGUID string

    subclient GUID

  • subclientName string

    Subclient Name. Provide name of Id

  • applicationId integer

    Application ID 29 for File System Unix, 33 for Windows

  • appName string

    File System

  • backupsetId integer

    Backupset Id of the subclient

  • backupsetName string

    Backupset name of the subclient

  • instanceId integer

    Instance ID of the backupset

  • instanceName string

    Instance name of the backupset

  • csGUID string

    CommServe Guid

  • commCellName string
  • _type_ integer
  • entityInfo object

    Company Info if subclient belongs to company client

  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • task object
  • taskType string

    Default value: IMMEDIATE


  • initiatedFrom string

    Default value: GUI


  • subTasks object[]
  • subTask object required
  • subTaskType string

    Default value: RESTORE


  • operationType string

    Default value: RESTORE


  • options object
  • restoreOptions object
  • restoreACLsType string required

    Possible values: [ACL_DATA, DATA_ONLY, ACL_ONLY]

    Select the Restore type

  • impersonation object
  • useImpersonation boolean

    Default value: false

  • user object
  • userName string

    username of impersonated user

  • password string

    password of user impersonation

  • virtualServerRstOption object
  • isVolumeBrowse boolean

    Default value: false

  • volumeRstOption object
  • volumeLeveRestore boolean

    Default value: false

  • browseOption object
  • browseJobCommCellId integer

    Default value: 2

    Commcell ID

  • noImage boolean

    Default value: false

  • commCellId integer

    Default value: 2

  • backupset object required

    BackupSet Entity info

  • backupsetId integer required

    BackupSet ID of subclient

  • backupsetName string

    Backupset name of the subclient

  • clientId integer

    Client ID of the subclient

  • clientName string

    Client name of the subclient

  • commonOptions object
  • isFromBrowseBackup boolean

    Default value: true

  • preserveLevel integer

    Default value: 1

    Preserve the folder level

  • stripLevelType integer
  • overwriteFiles boolean

    Default value: true

  • unconditionalOverwrite boolean

    Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists

  • destination object required
  • destAppId integer

    29 for unix 33 for windows

  • inPlace boolean required

    Set to true for restore to original folder

  • destClient object

    Destination info

  • clientId integer

    Client ID

  • clientName string

    Client Name of the destination

  • destinationInstance object
  • destPath string[]

    Destination path for out of place restore

  • applicationId integer

    Possible values: [29, 33]

    Application ID . 33 for windows file system 29 for Unix file system

  • clientName string

    Destination Client Name

  • clientId integer

    Destination Client ID

  • noOfStreams integer

    Number of streams to use

  • fileOption object required
  • sourceItem string[] required

    List of contents to restore

  • fsCloneOptions object
  • cloneMountPath string
  • qrOption object
  • destAppTypeId integer

    Possible values: [29, 33]

    Destination clinet app Id 33 for Windows, 29 for Unix

  • commonOpts object
  • notifyUserOnJobCompletion boolean

    Send email on completion



  • taskId integer
  • jobIds string[]

    Restore Job Id
