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Get Laptop Device Properties


Customer Managed

This operation returns the properties associated with a laptop device.

Path Parameters
  • deviceId string required


  • error object
  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode integer
  • clientsFileSystem object[]
  • clientStatus integer
  • isOwner boolean
  • isLocked boolean
  • totalBackupSize integer
  • backupSize integer
  • dirDelim string
  • bShowActivateOption boolean
  • isSyncAllowed boolean
  • isIndexingV2 boolean
  • isUserCentricClient boolean
  • capabilities integer
  • isClientDeconfigured integer
  • subclientStatus integer
  • specialClientFlags integer
  • nextBackupTime object
  • _type_ integer
  • time integer
  • lastDataProtectedTime object
  • _type_ integer
  • time integer
  • lastSuccessBackupTime object
  • _type_ integer
  • time integer
  • lastBackupTime object
  • _type_ integer
  • time integer
  • lastOfflineTime object
  • _type_ integer
  • time integer
  • contents object
  • content object[]
  • modifyTime integer
  • createTime integer
  • valueType integer
  • value string
  • clientOwners object
  • owners object[]
  • userId integer
  • _type_ integer
  • userName string
  • subClient object
  • hostName string
  • clientName string
  • backupsetId integer
  • _type_ integer
  • instanceId integer
  • subclientId integer
  • clientId integer
  • applicationId integer
  • lastOnlineTime object
  • _type_ integer
  • time integer