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Deploy Access Node


Customer Managed

API to deploy Access Node

Request Body
  • name string

    Client name for vm, if not provided it will be same as vmName

  • hostName string

    Host name for vm, if not provided it will be same as vmName

  • os string

    Possible values: [Windows, Linux]

  • deploymentType int32

    Possible values: [0, 1]

    0: Access node deployment, 1: File recovery enabler for linux deployment

  • commCell object
  • name string

    CommServer name

  • hostName string

    CommServer host name

  • vmName string required
  • userCredentials object required
  • userName string required
  • password string required
  • vCenter string required

    vCenter server instance

  • vmLocation object required
  • inventoryPath string

    Folder path where you can locate vm, empty if Datacenter is selected for location. Default is set to Datacenter

  • dataCenterName string required
  • host string required

    If ESX-Host for resource the host moref or If ESX-Cluster then cluster moref and if resource pool is used for resource then first go for host moref then cluster moref

  • resourcePool string

    Resource Pool moref if resource pool is selected for resource

  • cluster string

    ESX-Cluster moref if cluster is selected for resource

  • datastore string required

    If cluster is selected for storage then moref of datastore cluster else dataStoreName

  • hardDiskType int32

    Possible values: [1, 2, 3]

    Default value: 2

    1: Thin Provision, 2: Thick provision lazy zeroed, 3: Thick provision eager zeroed

  • network object required
  • name string required

    Destination network name

  • useDHCP string

    Possible values: [True, False]

    Default value: True

    If useDHCP is False then make sure to provide staticIP, netmask, gateway

  • staticIP string
  • netmask string
  • gateway string
  • dnsSearch string
  • nameservers string[]

    Possible values: >= 2, <= 2

  • clientGroup string
  • notifyUserOnJobCompletion boolean

    Default value: false

  • automaticOSUpdates boolean

    Default value: false

  • timezone string

    Default value: America/New_York

    Linux OS qualified timezones



  • taskId int32
  • jobIds string[]

    JobIds for the immediate run request

POST /v4/accessnode    


type: apiKeyname: Authtokenin: header


Click Edit to configure Base URL
Security Scheme
"name": "string",
"hostName": "string",
"os": "Windows",
"deploymentType": 0,
"commCell": {
"name": "string",
"hostName": "string"
"vmName": "string",
"userCredentials": {
"userName": "string",
"password": "string"
"vCenter": "string",
"vmLocation": {
"inventoryPath": "string",
"dataCenterName": "string",
"host": "string",
"resourcePool": "string",
"cluster": "string",
"datastore": "string"
"hardDiskType": 2,
"network": {
"name": "string",
"useDHCP": "True",
"staticIP": "string",
"netmask": "string",
"gateway": "string",
"dnsSearch": "string",
"nameservers": [
"clientGroup": "string",
"notifyUserOnJobCompletion": false,
"automaticOSUpdates": false,
"timezone": "America/New_York"
curl -L -X POST 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/V4/AccessNode' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "string",
"hostName": "string",
"os": "Windows",
"deploymentType": 0,
"commCell": {
"name": "string",
"hostName": "string"
"vmName": "string",
"userCredentials": {
"userName": "string",
"password": "string"
"vCenter": "string",
"vmLocation": {
"inventoryPath": "string",
"dataCenterName": "string",
"host": "string",
"resourcePool": "string",
"cluster": "string",
"datastore": "string"
"hardDiskType": 2,
"network": {
"name": "string",
"useDHCP": "True",
"staticIP": "string",
"netmask": "string",
"gateway": "string",
"dnsSearch": "string",
"nameservers": [
"clientGroup": "string",
"notifyUserOnJobCompletion": false,
"automaticOSUpdates": false,
"timezone": "America/New_York"