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Create a Company


Customer Managed

Create a Company

Request Body
  • name string required

    name of the company to be created.

  • email string

    Email address for the tenant administrator. If provided, contactName for the tenant administrator also needs to be provided

  • contactName string

    Name of the tenant administrator. If provided, email also needs to be provided.

  • plans object[]

    Select data protection plans to use for the company. The plans that are selected are the plans that the tenant administrator can choose from.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • alias string required

    The company domain or NetBIOS name

  • emailSuffix string

    Supported domains for the company

  • serviceCommcells object[]

    Used to add service commcells to the master commcell. Either id or name can be provided. If both are provided, id will be taken into consideration.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • sendWelcomeEmail boolean

    send a welcome email on company creation to the tenant administrator.

  • primaryDomain string

    The primary domain name of the company being created. Can be added only if an external domain is already present.



  • id int32
  • name string