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Get Storage Array Details


Customer Managed

Getting Array Details

Path Parameters
  • arrayId int32 required


  • labels object

    Labels for array entities to be displayed on the CC page

  • name string

    Label for array name

  • controlHost string

    Label for array control host

  • userName string

    Label for array username

  • password string

    Label for array password

  • general object

    Generic Details of the Engine Array. Region depicts the workload region which is only applicable to NetApp arrays as of now.

  • snapVendor object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • array object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • controlHost string

    Control Host name of the array

  • credential object

    Template for options provided to user

  • userName string

    Username to access the array

  • password string

    Base 64 encoded Password to access the array

  • savedCredential object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • region object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • flags int32

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]

    0: default 1: Only selected arrays 2: Disable automatic cleanup 4: System created arrays 8: Auto created arrays 16: User created arrays

  • enableNetAppCloudAccount boolean

    Set as true for NetApp cloud target arrays

  • arrayType int32

    Used to differentiate between Primary, Secondary, and OCUM type of NetApp Array

  • cloudVendorId int32

    Id for cloud vendors associated to arrays

  • uniqueIdentifier string

    Unique identifier pertaining to each array

  • description string

    User provided description of the array

  • company object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • security object

    A list of users or user groups each having a specific set of roles that determine the kind of operations they can perform on the entity.

  • user object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • userGroup object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • externalUserGroup object

    External User Group Entity

  • id int32

    User Group Id

  • name string

    External Group Name

  • providerId int32

    Provider id

  • providerName string

    Provider Name

  • isCreatorAssociation boolean
  • role object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • permissionList object[]
  • permissionId int32
  • permissionName string
  • categoryId int32
  • categoryName string
  • type string


    Returns the type of association.

  • exclude boolean

    Flag to specify if this is included permission or excluded permission.

  • accessNodes object[]
  • id int32

    Id of the MediaAgent

  • name string

    Name of the MediaAgent

  • displayName string

    The display name of the corresponding Media Agent

  • pruning boolean

    Enable/Disable pruning of snapshots on the selected Media Agent

  • availableAccessNodes object[]
  • id int32
  • name string
  • displayName string
  • snapConfigurations object[]
  • masterConfigId int32

    This is the masterConfigId, which is available for each vendors configs

  • name string

    This is the name of the config which is displayed on the Command Center Console

  • type int32

    Possible values: [1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14]

    Type of the config value. type can accept 7 values [1,2,8,10,12,13,14], 1: boolean, 2: integer, 8: text, 10: array[string] are common configs, the rest three are special keys, 12 is for password type key for NetApp E-Series and HPE Nimble, 13 is Private Key for GCP, 14 is a config to select type of Disk for GCP

  • value string

    Values to be set for all types except 10 and 14

  • values object[]

    Values to be set for type 10 and 14. Incase of HPE 3PAR StoreServ, name field will have the remote snap MA Id.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • flags int32

    Flag regarding placement of config in the CC page

  • description string

    Description about the config that tells the user what it is for and the range of values it accepts

  • isEnabled boolean

    Whether the config is enabled or not

  • checkRange boolean

    Whether to check if the value is in range or not of accepted values

  • minValue int64

    This is the lower limit value to which the config can be set for numeric types

  • maxValue int64

    This is the higher limit value to which the config can be set for numeric types

  • capabilities object
  • enableUserName boolean

    Set to true if username is enabled for the vendor

  • enableArrayDeviceGroup boolean

    Set to true if the array belongs to a device group

  • enableHostDeviceGroup boolean

    Set to true if the host belongs to a device group

  • enableArrayType boolean

    Set to true if array type is enabled for the NetApp and AWS to establish subtypes of vendors

  • enablePassword boolean

    Set to true if password is enabled for the vendor

  • enableControlHost boolean

    Set to true if control host is enabled for the vendor

  • enableArrayNameChange boolean

    Set to true if name of the array can be changed

  • enableNetAppCloudAccount boolean

    Set to true if NetApp Cloud Account is enabled for the vendor

  • serverGroups object[]
  • id int32

    Id of server group

  • name string

    Name of server group

  • mediaAgentCount int32

    Count of servers where MediaAgent package is installed
