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Get Backup location details


Customer Managed

Used to fetch mount path details of the disk storage pool

Path Parameters
  • storagePoolId int32 required

    Id of the disk storage pool whose details have to be fetched

  • backupLocationId int32 required

    Id of the backup location whose details have to be fetched



  • id int32

    Id of the backup location

  • name string

    Name of the backup location

  • backupLocation string

    backup location path

  • mediaAgent object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • configuration object

    While adding network access path, please add credentials or saved credentials. If both are provided, credentials will be selected.

  • enableBackupLocation boolean

    Used to enable or disable backup location

  • disableBackupLocationforFutureBackups boolean

    Used to determine if backup location has to be disabled or enabled for future backups

  • prepareForRetirement boolean

    Used to determine if the backup location has to be prepared for retirement

  • totalCapacity int32

    total capacity of the backup location

  • freeSpace int32

    total free space on the backup location

  • diskAccessPaths object[]

    access paths available on the backup location

  • id int32

    Gives the disk access path id.

  • mediaAgent object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • path string

    Gives the disk access path.

  • userName string
  • access string

    Possible values: [READ_AND_WRITE, READ]

    The access type for the access path can be either read (writing to path not allowed) or read and write (writing to path allowed).

  • accessible boolean

    states if the access path is accessible

  • enabled boolean
  • access string

    Possible values: [READ_AND_WRITE, READ]

    The access type for the access path can be either read (writing to path not allowed) or read and write (writing to path allowed).

  • credentials object
  • name string

    Name of the backup location

  • savedCredentials object
  • id int32
  • name string