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Get MediaAgents for DDB


Customer Managed

Get All Media Agents for DDB

Query Parameters
  • fetchDDBDisks boolean

    If set to true then fetch the list of DDB disks hosted on each MediaAgent



  • mediaAgents object[]
  • id int32

    Id of the media agent.

  • name string

    Name of the media agent.

  • displayName string

    Display name of the media agent.

  • releaseId int32

    Release version of the media agent.

  • SIMOSId int32

    Operating System Id of the media agent.

  • isDDBSubclientConfigured boolean

    Used to determine if a DDB subclient has been configured for this media agent.

  • OSType string

    Media Agent operating system type.

  • isConfigured boolean

    Used to determine if the Media Agent is configured or not.

  • DDBDisks object[]

    List of DDB disks hosted on this MediaAgent

  • diskId int32

    Id of the DDB disk

  • diskPath string

    File path of the DDB disk

  • clientInfo object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • partitionList object[]

    List of DDB partitions hosted on this disk

  • subStoreId int32

    Id of the DDB substore

  • storeId int32

    Id of the DDB store

  • storeName string

    Name of the DDB store

  • estimatedSubstoreSizeInMB int64

    Estimated size in MBs occupied by the substore

  • moveStatusCode int64

    Status code for the move partition attempt on this substore

  • moveStatusMsg string

    Status message for the move partition attempt on this substore

  • isSealed boolean

    Specify whether the substore is sealed or not

  • lastFailedMoveJobId int64

    JobId of the last failed move job for this substore

  • numOfPartitions int32

    Number of DDB partitions hosted on this disk

  • status string

    Possible values: [OFFLINE, ONLINE]

    Satus of the disk

  • consumedSpaceMB int64

    Amount of space consumed by the DDB partitions hosted on this disk

  • freeSpaceMB int64

    Available usable free space on the disk path

  • totalSpaceMB int64

    Total space capacity of the disk path
