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Fetches properties of a Spare group


Customer Managed

API to fetch properties of a Spare Group

Path Parameters
  • spareGroupId int32 required

    Id of the Spare group whose properties need to be fetched. spareGroupId can be fetched from GET V4/Storage/Tape/{libraryId}/MediaType

  • libraryId int32 required

    Library ID of the Tape Storage



  • name string

    Name of the spare group

  • typeId int32

    Spare group type Id

  • lowWaterMark int32

    Low watermark value set for the spare group

  • highWaterMark int32

    High watermark value set for the spare group

  • defaultMediaTypeId int32

    Id of default media type selected for spare group

  • defaultMediaTypeName string

    Name of default media type selected for spare group
