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Get Vault Tracker Action List


Customer Managed

Get the list of vault tracker actions.

Query Parameters
  • view string

    Default value: lastHour

    Time period selection for which to fetch actions. Accepted values [lastHour, last24Hours, lastWeek, lastMonth, last3Months, last6Months, lastYear, custom]. When custom is selected Actions are filtered based on values provided in other params.

  • libraryId int32

    Filter by libraryId

  • policyId int32

    Filter by policyId

  • startTime int64

    Start time of the time range.

  • endTime int64

    End time of the time range.



  • vaultTrackerActionList object[]
  • actionId int32

    Id of Action

  • actionType

    Possible values: [NONE, REGULAR, RECALL]

    Enum for Action Type

  • actionTypeStr string

    Action Type

  • libraryId int32

    Id of Library

  • userId int32

    Id of User

  • policyId int32

    Id of Policy

  • jobId int32

    Id of job

  • initiator string

    Initiator of action

  • sourceLocation object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • destinationLocation object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • transitLocation object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • actionStatus string

    Status of action

  • startTime int64

    Start time of action

  • completionTime int64

    End time of action

  • recallExpirationTime int64

    RecallExpirationTime time of action
