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List Snapshot Vendors


Customer Managed

Get all snap vendors



  • snapVendors object[]

    List of all snap vendors

  • snapVendor object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • capabilities object
  • enableUserName boolean

    Set to true if username is enabled for the vendor

  • enableArrayDeviceGroup boolean

    Set to true if the array belongs to a device group

  • enableHostDeviceGroup boolean

    Set to true if the host belongs to a device group

  • enableArrayType boolean

    Set to true if array type is enabled for the NetApp and AWS to establish subtypes of vendors

  • enablePassword boolean

    Set to true if password is enabled for the vendor

  • enableControlHost boolean

    Set to true if control host is enabled for the vendor

  • enableArrayNameChange boolean

    Set to true if name of the array can be changed

  • enableNetAppCloudAccount boolean

    Set to true if NetApp Cloud Account is enabled for the vendor

  • cloudVendorId int32
  • label object

    Labels for array entities to be displayed on the CC page

  • name string

    Label for array name

  • controlHost string

    Label for array control host

  • userName string

    Label for array username

  • password string

    Label for array password
