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Update GlobalExceptions


Customer Managed

Add/Edit/Delete global execptions

Request Body

Request body to be passed to the POST API

  • windowsGlobalExceptions object

    Information conatins the operation to be done on exceptions

  • operationType string

    Possible values: [NONE, OVERWRITE, ADD, DELETE, CLEAR]

    Default value: OVERWRITE

    The operations on global exceptions provided would be executed based on the operation type provided

  • exceptions string[]

    Array of exceptions which will be operated upon based on the operation type

  • unixGlobalExceptions object

    Information conatins the operation to be done on exceptions

  • operationType string

    Possible values: [NONE, OVERWRITE, ADD, DELETE, CLEAR]

    Default value: OVERWRITE

    The operations on global exceptions provided would be executed based on the operation type provided

  • exceptions string[]

    Array of exceptions which will be operated upon based on the operation type

  • useGlobalExceptionsOnAllSubclients boolean

    Boolean value which updates the property useGlobalExceptionsOnAllSubclients



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32