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Modify subclient


Customer Managed

This operation is used to modify subclient properties

Path Parameters
  • subclientId integer required

    Subclient Id of the subclient whose properties need to be read

Request Body
  • subClientProperties object
  • commonProperties object
  • enableBackup boolean
  • snapCopyInfo object

    Use this object to enable and set snashop options

  • isSnapBackupEnabled boolean

    Set to true to enable Snap backups

  • snapToTapeSelectedEngine object
  • snapShotEngineId integer

    Select snapshot engine Id.

  • snapShotEngineName string

    Select Snapshot engine name.

  • snapToTapeProxyToUse object

    Select proxy for snap operations

  • clientId integer

    Proxy client Id for snap operations.

  • clientName string

    Proxy client name for snap operations

  • snapToTapeProxyToUseSource boolean

    Enable this if you want to use source for snap operations in case proxy is unavailable.

  • useSeparateProxyForSnapToTape boolean

    Set this to true this if you want to use a proxy for backup copy.

  • separateProxyForSnapToTape object

    This object is used to set proxy options for backup copy

  • clientId integer

    Client id of proxy to be used for backup copy

  • clientName string

    Client name of proxy to be used for backup copy

  • backupCopyInterface

    Possible values: [RMAN, FILE_SYSTEM, VOLUME_COPY]

    Select backup copy interface

  • prepostProcess object

    Use this object to set pre-post backup operations.

  • preBackupCommand string

    Path to the script to be run before backup

  • postBackupCommand string

    Path to the script to be run post backup

  • runPostScan string

    Default value: NO

  • runPostBackup string

    Default value: NO

  • runAs


    Set to use impersonation if pre-post commands are to be run using a specific user

  • prepostUserName object

    Prepost commands user credentials

  • userName string

    Pre-post command user

  • password string

    Base64 encoded Pre-post command user password

  • oracleSubclientProp object

    Set oracle subclient options

  • selectiveOnlineFull boolean

    Set to true to enable selective online full backups

  • data boolean

    Set to true if data is to be backed up

  • backupMode


    Select backupmode for the subclient.

  • lightsOutScript boolean

    Set to true if the backupmode is OFFLINE_DB

  • enableTableBrowse boolean

    Enable this option to collect table metadata during backups

  • backupArchiveLog boolean

    Set this to true to backup Oracle archive logs

  • archiveDelete boolean

    Set this to true to delete backed up archivelogs

  • archiveDeleteAll boolean

    Default value: false

  • dataFilesPerBFS integer

    Default value: 8

    Oracle Filesperset paramter for datafiles

  • maxBackupSetSizeInKB integer

    Oracle Maxset size parameter

  • archiveFilesPerBFS integer

    Default value: 32

    Oracle filesperset parameter for archivelogs

  • maxOpenFiles integer

    Number of files that can be read by a stream simultaneuously

  • dataThresholdStreams integer

    Number of data streams

  • sectionSizeInKB integer

    Oracle section size parameter to create multi-section backup

  • useRmanForLogBackup boolean

    Use RMAN interface for log backups for snap backups

  • snapImageCopy boolean

    Set this to true to enable RMAN image copy

  • imageCopyDir string

    Enter directory to save image copy

  • content string[]

    Select content if backupmode is set to ONLINE_SUBSET_DB

  • planEntity object
  • planName string

    Select plan associated to subclient



  • processinginstructioninfo object
  • attributes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • response object[]
  • warningCode integer
  • errorCode integer
  • warningMessage string