Get DDB Store Info
Customer Managed
This operation is to fetch Deduplication details for partitcular storeID
Path Parameters
- storeID string required
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
dedupDBInfo object
"dedupDBInfo": {
"subStoreList": [
"commcellId": 0,
"timeTakenForRecovery": 0,
"offlineReason": "string",
"PruneArchiveFilesAvgTime": 0,
"maxSIDBPrimaryRecords": 0,
"flags": 0,
"freeDiskSpaceMB": 0,
"softstateaccesspath": 0,
"lastSnapTime": 0,
"subStoreClientVersion": 0,
"backupInterval": 0,
"NumRowToPrune": 0,
"maxSIDBAverageQITime": 0,
"subStoreId": 0,
"otherDataMB": 0,
"SizeOccupied": 0,
"Path": "string",
"DDBManagedSize": 0,
"maxNumOfAFsInSecFile": 0,
"lastRecoveryTime": 0,
"usedSpace": 0,
"totalCapacityMB": 0,
"avgQITime": 0,
"storeId": 0,
"consumedDataMB": 0,
"lastSnapJobId": 0,
"PrimaryEntries": 0,
"DiskFreeWarningThreshholdMB": 0,
"DiskFreeThresholdMB": 0,
"lastCorruptionTime": 0,
"status": 0,
"softstate": 0,
"MediaAgent": {
"name": "string",
"id": 0
"maxValuesSubStoreStats": {
"pendingDelRecords": 0,
"avgQITime": 0,
"uniqueBlocks": 0,
"secondaryBlocks": 0,
"connections": 0
"minValuesSubStoreStats": {
"pendingDelRecords": 0,
"avgQITime": 0,
"uniqueBlocks": 0,
"secondaryBlocks": 0,
"connections": 0
"dedupDBDetails": {
"uniqueBlocksOfStore": 0,
"commcellId": 0,
"maxAllowedConnections": 0,
"numberOfJobs": 0,
"storeNameAlias": "string",
"dedupeFlags": 0,
"baselineApplicationSize": 0,
"fragmentedSpaceSize": 0,
"baselineSize": 0,
"totalDataSize": 0,
"storeName": "string",
"ddbVersion": 0,
"freeSpaceOnLibrary": 0,
"totalAppSize": 0,
"primaryRecordsPercentage": 0,
"prunePending": 0,
"deDupSavingPercent": "string",
"noOfPartitions": 0,
"storeFlags": 0,
"retentionCyclesForCopy": 0,
"storeId": 0,
"reserveField6": 0,
"reserveField7": "string",
"reserveField8": "string",
"deDupSavingSize": 0,
"sizeOnMedia": 0,
"sealedTime": 0,
"maxAvgQITime": 0,
"creationtime": 0,
"avgQITimeOfStore": 0,
"reserveField1": 0,
"extendedFlags": 0,
"reserveField2": 0,
"reserveField3": "string",
"reserveField4": 0,
"retentionDaysForCopy": 0,
"reserveField5": 0,
"status": 0,
"enablePruningTime": {
"EnableTimeZone": 0,
"EnableTime": 0
"storagePolicy": {
"_type_": 0,
"storagePolicyName": "string",
"storagePolicyId": 0
"dedupDBInfo": {
"subStoreList": [
"commcellId": 2,
"timeTakenForRecovery": 6726,
"offlineReason": "The active DDB of current storage policy copy is not available to use.",
"PruneArchiveFilesAvgTime": 0,
"maxSIDBPrimaryRecords": 1000000000,
"flags": 580063250,
"freeDiskSpaceMB": 98884,
"softstateaccesspath": 0,
"lastSnapTime": 1581489296,
"subStoreClientVersion": 0,
"backupInterval": 0,
"NumRowToPrune": 0,
"maxSIDBAverageQITime": 2000,
"subStoreId": 123,
"otherDataMB": 843,
"SizeOccupied": 280,
"Path": "E:/ddb/dedupe_storage_pool/1/Files/60",
"DDBManagedSize": 3347,
"maxNumOfAFsInSecFile": 0,
"lastRecoveryTime": 1584611135,
"usedSpace": 0,
"totalCapacityMB": 99999,
"avgQITime": 0,
"storeId": 60,
"consumedDataMB": 272,
"lastSnapJobId": 314144,
"PrimaryEntries": 20045,
"DiskFreeWarningThreshholdMB": 10240,
"DiskFreeThresholdMB": 5120,
"lastCorruptionTime": 0,
"status": 1,
"softstate": 1,
"MediaAgent": {
"name": "flash",
"id": 2
"maxValuesSubStoreStats": {
"pendingDelRecords": 0,
"avgQITime": 0,
"uniqueBlocks": 0,
"secondaryBlocks": 0,
"connections": 0
"minValuesSubStoreStats": {
"pendingDelRecords": 0,
"avgQITime": 0,
"uniqueBlocks": 0,
"secondaryBlocks": 0,
"connections": 0
"dedupDBDetails": {
"uniqueBlocksOfStore": 0,
"commcellId": 2,
"maxAllowedConnections": 200,
"numberOfJobs": 4,
"storeNameAlias": "Dedupe_StoragePool_Files_60",
"dedupeFlags": 378273792,
"baselineApplicationSize": 0,
"fragmentedSpaceSize": 22,
"baselineSize": 0,
"totalDataSize": 3509583872,
"storeName": "Dedupe_StoragePool_Files_60",
"ddbVersion": 11,
"freeSpaceOnLibrary": 0,
"totalAppSize": 30243933,
"primaryRecordsPercentage": 0,
"prunePending": 0,
"deDupSavingPercent": "",
"noOfPartitions": 1,
"storeFlags": 580059154,
"retentionCyclesForCopy": 0,
"storeId": 60,
"reserveField6": 0,
"reserveField7": "0 of 1 partitions online",
"reserveField8": "",
"deDupSavingSize": 969800,
"sizeOnMedia": 3509583872,
"sealedTime": 0,
"maxAvgQITime": 0,
"creationtime": 1580708794,
"avgQITimeOfStore": 0,
"reserveField1": 0,
"extendedFlags": 14,
"reserveField2": 0,
"reserveField3": "",
"reserveField4": 1580880619,
"retentionDaysForCopy": 0,
"reserveField5": 1580880619,
"status": 1,
"enablePruningTime": {
"EnableTimeZone": 0,
"EnableTime": 0
"storagePolicy": {
"_type_": 17,
"storagePolicyName": "Dedupe_StoragePool",
"storagePolicyId": 55
GET /ddbinformation/:storeid
type: apiKeyname: Authtokenin: header
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/DDBInformation/:storeID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/DDBInformation/:storeID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/DDBInformation/:storeID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/DDBInformation/:storeID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/DDBInformation/:storeID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/DDBInformation/:storeID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
curl -L -X GET 'https://CommandCenterHostName/commandcenter/api/DDBInformation/:storeID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>'