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Get Anomaly Records for Clients


Customer Managed

Retrieve anomaly records for specified clients with optional filters.

Query Parameters
  • clients string required

    Comma-separated client IDs.

  • filter integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

    Anomaly filter: 0 (ALL), 1 (CLIENT_LEVEL), 2 (FOLDER_LEVEL).

  • aggregateHour integer

    Default value: 2

    Number of hours to aggregate data.

  • timeFrame integer

    Possible values: [1, 7]

    Default value: 1

    Time frame for anomalies: 1 (ONE_DAY), 7 (SEVEN_DAY).

  • showThirdPartyInfo boolean

    Flag to include anomaly info from partner integration.


Anomaly records for specified clients.

  • clientInfo object[]
  • clientId integer
  • anomalyRecordList object[]
  • anomalyRecord object
  • clientID integer
  • isBackupAnomaly boolean

    Default value: false

  • folderInfoList object[]
  • folderPath string
  • deleteCount int64
  • createCount int64
  • modCount int64
  • renameCount int64
  • refTime int64
  • jobId int64
  • infectedFilesCount int64
  • mimeMismatchCount int64
  • anomalyRecords object[]
  • client object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • displayName string
  • tags object[]
  • name string
  • id integer
  • value string
  • refTime int64
  • deleteCount int64
  • createCount int64
  • modCount int64
  • renameCount int64
  • location string
  • anomalyType integer
  • jobId int64
  • isVMeSupported boolean
  • osInfo object
  • Type string
  • SubType string
  • osId integer
  • OsDisplayInfo object
  • ProcessorType string
  • OSName string
  • appType int64
  • mimeAnomalyInfo object
  • jobId int64
  • count int64
  • extensionAnomalyInfo object
  • type integer
  • subclientID int64
  • timestamp int64
  • jobID int64
  • usedForAnomaly boolean
  • totalFiles int64
  • extensionCounts object[]
  • name string
  • count int64
  • increasingExtensions object[]
  • name string
  • order integer
  • decreasingExtensions object[]
  • name string
  • order integer
  • infectedFilesCount int64
  • dataSourceId integer
  • applicationSizeMB int64
  • fingerPrintFilesCount int64
  • fileOperationsThreshold int64
  • applicationSizeThreshold int64
  • dataWrittenThreshold int64
  • backupSizeMB int64
  • ddbBlockCount int64
  • dataWrittenMB int64
  • jobStartTime int64
  • jobEndTime int64
  • anomalyInfoFromExternalEntity object
  • anomalyDetections object[]
  • vendorName string
  • anomalyDetails object[]
  • detectionTime int64
  • anomalyReason string
  • timesSeen int64
  • eventId string
  • eventType string
  • anomalyEvents object[]
  • detectionTime int64
  • eventId string
  • eventUrl string
  • additionalInfo object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • values string[]
  • dataType integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

  • additionalInfo object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • values string[]
  • dataType integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

  • isAdditionalInfoGrouped boolean
  • ErrorResponse object
  • errorCode integer
  • errorMessage string
  • anomalyThirdPartyCount int64
  • isBrowseAvailable boolean
  • vsaSecurityScanAnomalyInfo object
  • securityScanAnomalyItemInfo object[]
  • itemPath string
  • malwareInformation object
  • isScanned boolean
  • isInfected boolean
  • scanTime int64
  • malwareList object[]
  • malwareName string
  • malwareDetail string
  • apcRiskRatingLevel integer
  • scanFailed boolean
  • scanFailureReason string
  • itemsScanned int64
  • tooManyMalwareItems boolean
  • malwareItemsCount int64
  • proxyClientId integer
  • proxyClientName string
  • proxyHostName string
  • malwareInfoFilePath string
  • backuptime int64
  • subclient string
  • createdTime int64
  • status integer

    Possible values: [0, 1]

  • osInfo object
  • Type string
  • SubType string
  • osId integer
  • OsDisplayInfo object
  • ProcessorType string
  • OSName string
  • client object
  • clientId integer
  • clientName string
  • displayName string
  • tags object[]
  • name string
  • id integer
  • value string
  • error object
  • errorCode integer
  • errorMessage string