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Get Usage v1



Usage API Documentation


The Usage API provides a way to obtain usage data with various search parameters. Please note that all dates in the Usage API refer to the UTC time zone. Usage data on each usage date shows the peak usage up to that usage date in the current calendar month.

Usage Collection Schedule

Usage collection runs at 4 am UTC every day for yesterday's usage data. It is suggested for partners to call the Usage API for yesterday's data after 6 am UTC.

Usage Retrieval

Partners can either:

  • Directly call the API with no parameters to get usage data for yesterday (current calendar month peak usage up to yesterday).
  • Specify date parameters to get historical peak usage data.

Database Usage

Database usage is metered by capacity unless the application is hosted on virtual machines, in which case it is metered as a VM instance.

File & Object Usage

File & Object usage is metered by capacity unless the application is hosted on Virtual Machines, in which case it is metered as a VM instance.

Metallic Backup for Microsoft 365 Service

Metallic Backup for Microsoft 365 service will incur storage usage. Each user with Metallic Backup for Microsoft 365 Standard (Not including no storage option) will have 5 GB storage capacity included, and each user with Metallic Backup for Microsoft 365 Standard (Not including no storage option) will have 50 GB storage capacity included.

Storage Usage Calculation Examples

Example 1:

Customer had 100 Standard users, 100 Enterprise users, and 5000 GB storage reported in usage.

  • Storage included quantity: 100 5 + 100 50 = 5500 GB
  • Since 5000 GB < 5500 GB, no storage usage will be charged.

Example 2:

Customer had 100 Standard users, 100 Enterprise users, and 6000 GB storage reported in usage.

  • Storage included quantity: 100 5 + 100 50 = 5500 GB
  • Since 6000 GB > 5500 GB, 500 GB storage usage will be charged.

Usage API Response

In the Usage API response, storage quantity will be shown in TB.

Response Body

dataList of usage detailsUsage Objects ArraySee - Usage Object
metadataList usage metadataMetadata ObjectSee - Metadata Object
Usage Object
usageDateDate of this usage objectDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Usage Data on usageDate means peak usage up to usageDate in current calendar month.
accountIdAccount metallic idUUID
externalAccountIdAccount id in partner systemString / UUID
fulfillmentIdFulfillment metallic idUUID
externalFulfillmentIdFulfillment id in partner systemString / UUID
skuIdService sku in metallicString
consumedQuantityUsage quantityDoubleIt shows peak usage quantity that was consumed up to usageDate in current calendar month.
chargeableQuantityChargeable quantityDoubleQuantity that would be used for billing.
billingUnitUnit of measure (1 user, 10 vm, etc.StringSee - Billing Units Explained
billingQuantityQuantity for billingDoubleCeiling of (chargeableQuantity / billingUnit)
unitPricePrice for a single billingUnitDouble
totalCostTotal costDoublebillingQuantity * unitPrice
currencyBilling currencyString
Metadata Object
filterFilter string that contains search parametersString
sortSort string that contains sorting criteriaString
paginationPagination InfoPagination ObjectSee - Pagination Object
Pagination Object
pageNumberPage numberInteger0 to x
pageSizePage sizeInteger
totalRecordsTotal number of recordsInteger
Query Parameters
  • startDate string

    Optional - The date from which usage is returned. startDate is inclusive UTC time zone Format "YYYY-MM-DD". If not provided, defaults to yesterday

  • endDate string

    Optional - The date to which usage is returned. endDate is exclusive UTC time zone Format "YYYY-MM-DD". If not provided, defaults to today

  • accountId string

    Optional - Metallic account id.

  • fulfillmentId string

    Optional - Metallic fulfillment id.

  • pageNumber int32

    Optional - Page number >= 0. default 0

  • pageSize int32

    Optional - Page size, default 100


