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Get details of a specific HyperScale Storage

Get details of a specific HyperScale Storage

Path Parameters
  • hyperScaleStorageId int32 required

    Id of hyperscale storage

Query Parameters
  • showInheritedAssociation string

    Possible values: [true]

    Set to true if want to show inherited security associations



  • id int32
  • name string
  • general object
  • libraryName string

    Library Name of HyperScale Storage

  • devicePath string

    The path of the disk storage area in which the data will be stored.

  • totalCapacity int32

    The total storage capacity of the selected HyperScale Storage Pool

  • totalFreeSpace int32

    The total free space available in the HyperScale storage pool

  • sizeOndisk int32

    The total amount of data stored on the disk after deduplication and compression

  • resiliency string

    Resiliency or redundancy of this HyperScale storage

  • deduplicationSavings string

    Specifies the savings in percentage that occurred due to deduplication.

  • status string

    The status of the hyperscale storage pool - whether the storage pool is online or offline

  • nodes object[]

    List of disks with the Linux MediaAgent

  • id int32
  • name string
  • status string
  • encryption object

    Different ways in which data can be encrypted.

  • encrypt boolean
  • keyLength int32

    Different keylengths are present for different kinds of ciphers. Blowfish,Twofish,AES and Serpent all accept both 128 and 256. DES3 accepts only 192. GOST accepts only 256.

  • cipher string

    Possible values: [BlowFish, AES, DES3, GOST, Serpent, Twofish]

    The different types of encryption keys that can be used for encrypting the data. The values are case sensitive

  • keyProvider object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • security object[]

    List of users or user groups each having a specific set of roles that determine the kind of operations they can perform on hyperscale storage

  • user object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • userGroup object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • externalUserGroup object

    External User Group Entity

  • id int32

    User Group Id

  • name string

    External Group Name

  • providerId int32

    Provider id

  • providerName string

    Provider Name

  • isCreatorAssociation boolean
  • role object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • permissionList object[]
  • permissionId int32
  • permissionName string
  • categoryId int32
  • categoryName string
  • type string


    Returns the type of association.

  • exclude boolean

    Flag to specify if this is included permission or excluded permission.

  • associatedPlans object[]

    List of plans associated with this HyperScale storage

  • id int32
  • name string