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Get an existing recovery target details

To get recovery target details by ID

Path Parameters
  • recoveryTargetId int32 required

    id of recovery target



  • RecoveryTarget object

    Recovery target info

  • entity object
  • id int32

    Recovery Target Id

  • name string

    Recovery Target name

  • policyType string

    Recovery target policy type name

  • applicationType string


    Recovery target application type

  • destinationHypervisor object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • accessNode object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • type string
  • vmDisplayName object

    Prefix or Suffix appended to create display name for destination instance

  • prefix string

    A prefix string that will be appended to the source VM to create a display name for each destination VM

  • suffix string

    A suffix string that will be appended to the source VM to create a display name for each destination VM

  • vmStoragePolicyName string

    Name of Storage policy linked with the vm

  • securityOptions object
  • users object[]

    Users that have access to the recovery target

  • id int32
  • name string
  • fullName string
  • userGroups object[]

    User groups that have access to the recovery target

  • id int32
  • name string
  • securityGroup string

    Name of security group that provides controlled access of the VM in cloud

  • testSecurityGroups string[]

    Name of security groups that provide controlled access of the VM in cloud for test failover

  • destinationOptions object
  • destinationHost string

    Destination host for the VM to deploy

  • dataStore string

    Datastore for the destination VM to store the disks and its config files. In-case of Microsoft Hyper-V, datastore refers to the destination folder for restore when default folder is not set.

  • resourcePoolPath string

    Resource pool for the destination VM

  • vmFolder string

    Folder path where the destination VM will be located,

  • iamRole object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • networkOptions object
  • networkCard object
  • networkDisplayName string

    Selected network display name

  • network string

    Name of network switch

  • destinationNetworks string[]

    Destination network name

  • networkNames string[]

    Name of network to which the nic is connected

  • cloudNetwork object
  • label string

    Cloud network label

  • networkName string

    Cloud network name

  • subnetNames string[]

    Subnet names of cloud network

  • provisioningOptions object
  • maximumCPUCores int32

    Maximum cores for the VM

  • numberOfVMs int32

    Number of VMs that each user can create using this recovery target

  • maximumMemory string

    Maximum memory of the VM in GBs

  • templates object[]
  • vmName string

    VM name of template

  • vmGUID string

    VM guid of template

  • cloudDestinationOptions object
  • region string

    Region of destination

  • keyPair string

    Name of key pair that associates with the VM for authentication

  • restoreAsManagedVM boolean

    If true, restore creates the destination VM as a managed VM in Azure

  • machineType object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • soleTenancyNodes object[]
  • name string
  • value string
  • availabilityZone string

    Availability zone name for the destination instance

  • vmInstanceType string

    Instance type that provides the available cpu cores and memory to the machine

  • encryptionKeyName string

    Encryption key name needed to configure the destination VM

  • volumeType string

    Volume type of destination VM

  • testDiskType string

    Disk / Volume type for test failover VM

  • instanceTypes string[]
  • publicIP boolean

    If true, public IP address are configured for destination VMs

  • isoInfo object[]

    Info for the Windows/Unix ISO files

  • isoPath string

    Path for the Windows/Unix ISO files

  • osType string

    Possible values: [UNIX, WINDOWS]

    OS Type name

  • zone object
  • primaryZoneName string

    Name of Primary Zone for the VM to deploy

  • secondaryZoneName string

    Name of Secondary Zone for the VM to deploy

  • associatedClientGroup object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • liveMountOptions object
  • mediaAgent object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • isLiveMountEnabled boolean

    Indiciates whether the Live mount is allowed from this recovery target

  • migrateVMs boolean

    Whether migrate VMs options is turned on for test failover

  • expirationTime object
  • minutesRetainUntil string

    Expiration Time if in minutes

  • daysRetainUntil string

    Expiration Time if in days

  • virtualLabOptions object
  • externalNetwork string

    To use virtual lab VM to connect to the existing network

  • gatewayTemplate string

    Gateway template provision VMs to communicate to VMs outside the virtual lab

  • gatewayNetwork string

    Primary network associated on the Provisioning Gateway VM that has production network access

  • configureIsolatedNetwork boolean

    To use isolated network for the virtual lab VM

  • ipSettings object[]
  • networkName string
  • ipAddressRange string
  • subnetMask string
  • defaultGatewayIP string